》 CHAPTER 9│ Arrival《

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Just seconds ago, Weizhou was just tiredly walking ahead from the pack. He was getting quite tired due to his heavy cargo or the elevation or perhaps both. He wasn't aware of the skillfully hidden traps in his surroundings. And before he knew it, he stepped into something and heard Jingyu scream.

"Doc!! Stop!!"

Everything happened so fast. Time must have stopped and everything went in slow motion. Perhaps the triggered trap was faster than the nerves in Weizhou's brain because he just stood there and froze. He couldn't react at all! The only thing he could hear was Shi Hui and the ladies screaming. On the contrary, Jingyu's team was on alert, circling the medical team while pointing their rifles to the unknown enemies hidden behind the bushes and trees.

"Doc?! doc?!..Are you hurt?!.." Weizhou snapped out from reality when he heard Jingyu's voice. He was being held once again by his bodyguard, arms around his shoulder protecting him from the triggered trap. Weizhou stutters. Jingyu reached out into his face gently wiping the blood with his thumbs that stains his beautiful face.

"Hey.. it's gonna be alright. Just stay low and get behind my back no matter what!." Despite the commotion, Jingyu remains calm and reassures Weizhou. He shifted Weizhou behind his back and that's where Weizhou noticed the blood in Jingyu's right forearm. He wounded it as he tried to cover and shield Weizhou from the log that swung across them. The blood was dripping in his elbow as he still used his wounded arm to hold his rifle.

"You're bleeding!!" As a doctor's automatic response, Weizhou grabbed a towel from his pockets and went slightly beside Jingyu, and tried to grab his wounded arm. Jingyu was about to scold Weizhou for disobeying his command, but suddenly a person leaps towards them from the bushes swinging his spear from the top downwards at them. Jingyu's immediate reaction was to push Weizhou to the back and block the attacker using his rifle above his head. The attacker tried to punch Jingyu in the face but Jingyu was more agile and skilled. He uses his rifle to disarm the attacker, dodge the attack and jab him with his left fist avoiding his wounded right arm. His jab was strong enough to make the attacker stumbled in his stance. And with a wide opening, Jingyu kicked him in his stomach making him roll over to the ground. Fengsong grabbed Weizhou away from the fight, putting him in their protective circle. Jingyu's teammates didn't interfere with the fight because they knew that Jingyu wouldn't even break a sweat in that battle.

"Everyone get down!!" Chris shouted. They were more focused on guarding the screaming and crying ladies. The attacker was a few steps away from them, after he regained his balance, he whistled twice.

"Movement 12 o'clock**!!" Chris shouted as he noticed someone behind the trees a few feet from them.

"4 hostiles behind the bushes 3 o'clock!" Leo shouted as well.

"I see 7 hostiles 3 clicks at my 6.." Wang Qing seconded.

"Fuck! We're surrounded!!" Andy exclaimed. They were indeed surrounded and outnumbered by those people who seemed to appear in nowhere. They were all equipped with bow and arrows as well as sharp spears aiming at them. Jingyu's attacker wore nothing except for a cloth wrapped around his waist then the excess cloth draped down below, covering his private parts. His arms were full of tattoos down in his legs. His face was covered with dirt to make a camouflage in the bushes.

 And as the assailant regained his balance, he stepped back, grabbed his spear, and said something to them. They didn't understand him at all. Jingyu tried to calm his assailant but to no avail. The tattooed man kept on saying something until he got madder and started shouting.

"Make a call boss!! We'll shoot them!" Andy convinced JIngyu to make an order. He already has a target locked in his rifle scope.

"No! .. dropped your guns!" Jingyu ordered them in contrast to Andy's call. The rest of his team seems to be shocked by his command.

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