》 CHAPTER 15 | Just Pretend《

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Previously on Chapter 14...

Jingyu and Weizhou was given 3 days to find the truth of Tala's pregnancy, and clear out Chief Abba's accussation before the day of the marriage. Jingyu and Chris were able to discover about Bu'an and Tala's secret relationship.

PRESENT DAY (A day before the marriage)

Weizhou being on-duty in the isolation area means that he hasn't seen nor talked to Jingyu since yesterday. He really wanted to talked to him about their issue of the Chief and his daughter but he was so busy on his rounds, attending the patients and evaluating the test results. With his shift is now over, he gather every ounce of his energy to do one last task before his break.

Meanwhile, it was Jingyu's turn to be on guard. He decided to go to the cliff to have a good vintage point overlooking the surrounding area. The isolation area was in between a thick forest and the rocky cliff hence Jingyu's position had a best angle. With Jingyu's highten spacial awareness, sensitive hearing and exceptional vision, he was able to detect any movement down below particularly, the tired looking doctor going outside the gates.

Weizhou walked until he reached into the village, smiling at everyone on his way. He didn't mind the stares of the villagers as well as the kids following him from behind. He played along with them until they reach a river located at the other side of the houses. Weizhou decided to gave them some sweet treats to stop them from following him. He needs to take samples on the nearby river and he can't let those innocent yet currious kids ruin his samples.

And now, when he was alone, he grabbed some test tubes on his bag and kneel down in the ground to reach the river, filling his test tube with water. Lucas specifically told him to fill in at least 3 test tubes for his data gathering that might be the factor of the decease that they were dealing with. As Weizhou tried to fill in his last test tube, he heard a rustle on the bushes behind him. He didn't make a sudden movement and slowly grabbed a large rock beside his feet, his on-the-spot weapon incase something that will attack him from behind. He heard steps slowly coming nearer to him and so in quick response he throws his rock to scare the attacker. He later realizes that it was Jingyu but he was too late now to withraw his attack as he already throws it directly at him. Weizhou's hold his breath as the rock's trajectory was aimed (unintentionally) at Jingyu's face, but to his suprise, Jingyu just caught it so casually like a catcher in baseball.

"Good throw Doc." Jingyu said as if nothing happened.

"Damn.. he didn't even flinch" Weizhou thought.

"I'm sorry Sir Huang, I didn't know it was you.. I thought some kind of wild animals or something."Weizhou defend himself.
"Don't be. You did the right thing Doc. If you sense some danger, don't hesitate to defend yourself. Always be aware of your surroundings coz anything or anyone can be threat..." Jingyu patted Weizhou's head gaining a blush from the latter.

"Shut up.. I.. I.. already know that, that's why I attacked.. uum you" Weizhou stuttered. To hide his embarassment, he kneeled back down and fetch some water for his test tubes. When he was done, he carefully place them in a container and placed it in his backpack. When he tried to lift it, Jingyu also tried to lift it as well. They locked eyes and Weizhou tried to tug his bag away from Jingyu.

"It's ok Sir Huang. I can carry this. You don't hav-"
"Don't act suprise in what I'm about to do, Doc."Jingyu warned and before Weizhou could respond, he pulled the bag towards him, making Weizhou to stumble forward. And at the same time, Jingyu's right hand grabs the back of Weizhou's nape and pulled him to his embrace.

Of course, this sudden action made Weizhou to panic. This physical touch seems to be sensitive for Weizhou. His heart was beating so fast that he felt his blood rushes to his face.

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