》 CHAPTER 14 | Moon and Star《

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“urrggg.. so tired..” Weizhou flopped in his bed tiredly. After the incident with Tala earlier, Weizhou doesn’t have the mood to continue their check-up monitoring but he had to. Regardless of the situation he's in, he needs to clear his mind and perform his duty. He was exhausted physically and mentally. And now, as they got back to the base, Weizhou lay down in his bed and couldn’t help but stare at the tent’s ceiling and sighed. A flashback runs through his mind as the feelings of Jingyu’s hands still linger. 

He has a large callous hand yet so gentle the moment they touch. Even if Risa forced them to hold hands, when their fingers brushed against each other, it ignited something in Weizhou. A wave of emotions he had never felt before.

He was surprised. 




 or perhaps…

Enraptured by that slight moment of skinship they shared. This line of thought made Weizhou to shut his eyes to calm himself. His own mind (or heart) decided to tease him by flashing Jingyu's face with a cheeky smirk and a wink. 


Weizhou frantically grabbed a pillow and covered himself as he felt a blood rush to his face. 

" ahhh I saw that.. you are blushing Zhou!!!" Chen Wen teases as he goes inside their tent witnessing his best friend's state. 

"Shut up Wen! Leave me alone…" Weizhou replied. He pressed the pillow harder againsts his face.

"You're gonna suffocate yourself Zhou.." Wen teased Weizhou as he tried to shove his camera against Weizhou's face. 

"Just let me die in shame Wen!" Weizhou replied.

"Oh c'mon Zhou. Don't over react. Your 'lover' didn't even mind it right?" Chen Wen laughing hysterically. Weizhou sat up and threw a pillow towards his best friend who kept teasing him.

"Coz he's playing along for god's sake! Urgg.. Why is this even happening??" Weizhou ruffled his hair complaining about his situation. 


Chief Abba and the others made a surprise look after Risa claimed that Weizhou and Jingyu are lovers. 
"[What's the meaning of this?? Two men?.. Lovers?]" Chief Abba asked in curiosity. For an isolated tribe with a very traditional culture and beliefs, a couple like them is unusual or rather… unacceptable.

"ano...they.. uumm yes, they are a couple but their relationship is a secret so… uummm…" Risa panicked as she couldn't think of any more excuses. She looked at Kenny or Chen Wen or even Weizhou but they all looked tense. Who would have thought of something when there was never a plan in the first place. 
She was about to asked Jingyu for a help when suddenly he stood up and said, "what she mean was that, my 'lover'–" glanced at Weizhou, "–and I decided to keep our relationship a secret because we first need to serve and perform our duty FOR YOUR people, Chief. And also, it's really impossible for MY LOVER to take advantage of your daughter coz y'know….he's not into her and not even his type, no offense..." Jingyu said it frankly to the nobles. 


"Zhou, don't stress yourself out! In fact, you must be thankful that he played along so that the Chief would not doubt you anymore.." Kenny said now with a reassuring voice. Even if he loves teasing his best friend, he genuinely cares for him. 

“Then why the heck does the Chief still insist us to give him more proof 3 days for now before my ‘marriage’ with Tala huh!!..” Weizhou tried to control his voice and emotion from bursting.

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