》 CHAPTER 11│ The Disease《

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Weizhou woke up before the sun rose into the horizon. He got up into his bed slowly, trying not to wake up the others. He quietly changes his clothes and grabs his bag. There's a lot of things that he needs to do. He needed to catch up on his work and check the patients. He also needs to take over Lucas and Jin Lulu's shift.

The moment he stepped outside their tent, a cold breeze welcomed him, making him shiver from the cold. He decided to use the water stored outside their tent to wash his face.

"Ah.. it is so refreshing!!" Weizhou didn't mind the freezing water in his face. In fact, he likes the feeling of it. The fresh air, cold water, and the peaceful silence of the village made Weizhou compare the life he had in the city.

It was different.

Weizhou took a deep breath and proceeded to walk to their quarantine area where infected patients were being treated. It was located quite far, about a 15-20 minute walk, away from the village. Weizhou knows where he was going because Jake specifically told him last night to follow the yellow paint marks on the trees. Speaking of last night, Weizhou recalled the weird events that still left him in confusion.

"..a man with a tainted blood will be the savior of all... what does that even mean? " Weizhou frowned his eyebrows and scratched his head, trying to decode Maata's words.

"What bothers you so early in the morning doc?" A sudden voice disturbed Weizhou's line of thought. He didn't dare to look back coz he knew that voice pretty well. It was definitely Jingyu's.

Jingyu jogged towards him, stopping when he was beside Weizhou. Weizhou continued to walk slowly while glancing at his side. He gulped the moment he saw Jingyu in his military undershirt. He was dripping with sweat yet there was no sign of fatigue. Weizhou unconsciously trailed his eyes from the sweat of Jingyu's face dripping down into his neck. He then diverted his eyes away, looking down to the rocks and twigs he stepped on. He cleared his throat and said, "What are you doing so early in the morning too..sir Huang?" Teasing Jingyu by answering his question with a question. He heard Jingyu chuckled.

"I went for a jog while surveying the perimeter..." Jingyu calmly answered.

"Goshh do even rest sir Huang!? Haha have you heard the word sleep?" Weizhou jokingly said. Jingyu just smirked and just shoved both of his hands in his pockets.

"Say that for yourself doc.." Jingyu thought to himself while staring at Weizhou's face. He noticed how dark Weizhou's eye bags were in contrast with his slightly pale face.

"we can't let our guard down Doc.." Jingyu said instead, diverting the topic. Weizhou raised an eyebrow and laughed.

"Hahaha ok ok. Don't be so serious about it, geez! .. just don't overdo yourself okay? haha" Weizhou unconsciously patted Jingyu's shoulder while laughing. Jingyu remained silent, just staring at his face.

Badump. Badump.

Jingyu can hear his heart "pounding" in his chest. He just shrugged it off thinking it was due to the "exercise".They continued to walk in a comfortable silence until Weizhou remembered something.

"ah by the way, how was your wound?" Weizhou asked.

"It's just a scratch doc. It's no big deal. it's healing up anyway..." Jingyu scoffed. He obviously forgot his wound at this moment. Weizhou stopped walking and directly faced Jingyu.

"may I see it?" Weizhou asked with a sound of concern in his voice. Jingyu just sighed and removed his right hand from his pockets and showed his arm to Weizhou. Jingyu was even more confused why he didn't even resist and just willingly showed his wound to the doctor in front of him. Weizhou then gently grabbed his arm, looked down at his wound, and started to check on it.

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