》 Chapter 3: First Encounter 《

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Weizhou was already mad yesterday at what happened in his office with his father. And now, what makes him even madder is that not only his "oh-so-Perfect-Father" makes a condition, he was later informed that his father hired a bunch of Special Forces soldiers for his "PROTECTION". He is now pacing back and forth in his room talking to someone in the other line.

"Weeennnn!! I'm so pissed right now. how can he be so controlling! Its not like I'm going to war or something that I need some protection! Not only he barged in at my office yesterday and make this fucking conditions,he already hired an army or whatever without me knowing about it! It wasn't part of the deal!." Weizhou exclaimed as he let out his anger on Chen Wen on the other line.

"Hey hey Zhou just calm down. Don't be so negative about it. Maybe that's his way to show his love and care for you, you know... like father-and-son-relationship-thingyy hehehe" Wen being sarcastic to his best friend.

Chen Wen is a freelance journalist and photographer. They've known each other during in their collage days when they were batchmates in medical course but Chen Wen later on shifted to pursue his passion for journalism. Despite the difference between their living status and being no longer in the same school, they still keep in touch with each other and become close friends. Weizhou is not a whiny-rich-kid friend, he is just a person who is fed up to expectations and pressure from his own father. That's why he called Chen Wen to let out his frustrations because of all of his "friends", Chen Wen is the one who bluntly speaks what is in his mind, regardless of who you are without sugar-coating his words. And that's the reason why he is the only best friend of WeiZhou.

"You know that's bullsh*t right?! Since when did he care for me?! All he cares is his image, politics, and his f*cking company! For all I know, maybe these hired soldiers would be his spy and sabotage the mission just to make me fail!. I can't let it happen Wen." Weizhou's voice went from anger to worry. He just wanted to save lives without this bullsh*t.

Chen Wen sighed. He went silent for a moment and said " look Zhou, i don't know much about your world becoz i'm just a regular guy ya know, but i think with or without these "hired soldiers" or "spies" or your father's condition, that doesn't make the difference when your will to save others is greater than them. It is just a bump in the road ya know. Either you avoid it or run straight through it, just go where you got to go, do what you gotta do."

It just hit Weizhou hard. Really hard that he was lost for words. Chen Wen made him realize to suck-it all up and prove to his father that he can overcome what comes in his way and succeeds.

"Hahahaha, i can never do this without you Wen. i'm glad that i've talked to you." Weizhou now became more determined because of Wen's pep talk.

"Anytime Zhou, just transfer ¥ 100,000 in my bank account hahaha" Wen laughed at his own joke,teasing Weizhou. Weizhou could help but to chuckle.

" are you free tomorrow?" Weizhou asked. "Yeesssshh, totally. Are you gonna treat me for my wise words, young master? Hahaha" Wen replied.

"Please come with me to the mission Wen. i might need your wise words again." Weizhou said, making Chen Wen to cut-off in his laughing state.

"What?? Are you serious Zhou?!"

"Hahaha yes I am. I need documentations. Are you up for it?"

"hell yeah! this is gonna be a big headline!" Chen Wen screamed in excitement.

"uumm Wen, the documentation is for the hospital's record and data only... I don't want it to be public. " Weizhou requested. 

"awww come on Zhou, this will be my greatest scoop ever!" Chen Wen pleaded. "I'm sorry Wen, but I just don't want this to be mixed with politics or the media," Weizhou added.   "ok ok, as you wish young master," Chen Wen said.

They talked a lot longer- talking about work, income, girls but soon ended when Chen Wen felt hungry. Both decided to packed their bags and be ready for tomorrow. CHen Wen promised not to be late tomorrow as they will depart at the exact time at 6:00am.

The next day, Wenzhou together with Shi Hui*,his assistant nurse with 3 other doctor and nurses were already in a VIP waiting room in VORTEXX Corp. Aviation center waiting for their pick-up. They were briefed by Mr. Xu's butler about the soldiers who will be escorting them throughout the mission. But by 5:50am, there is still no Chen Wen answering the 11 missed calls by Weizhou.

"Goddamn it Wen, where the hell are you?!",Weizhou exclaimed.

He then decided to leave the room to call outside. He dials Wen's number while opening the door not knowing that there is also someone else coming inside. Weizhou bumped into the chest of the mysterious soldier making him stumble back and drop his phone. EVERYTHING seems to be in slow motion when the fast reflexes of the mysterious soldier grabbed Weizhou by the arms pulling their bodies closer at the same time catches Weizhou's phone. Their eyes met and faces inches apart. Three seconds seems to be an eternity when someone as handsome and as tall as this mysterious soldier who just man-handled Weizhou easily. Then the soldier just smirked at Weizhou, helping him regain his balance and return his phone.

" are you alright?" asked the mystery soldier with a manly husky voice that brings shivers down to Weizhou's spine. Weizhou's brain cells must have died that moment because he just remained frozen.

" yah.. I ..uumm I.." Weizhou stuttered as he tried to fix himself from embarrassment. Weizhou was about to continue when there's another young soldier with black bandana in his head, salutes to the mystery soldier and said, "Captain, the bird* is ready, we're good to go." The mysterious "captain" just nodded and now faced Weizhou.

"Some of my men will escort you and the others to our transport. We will be leaving in 5 mins." He didn't wait for Weizhou's reply and left closing the door. Weizhou's senses seem to be back realizing what just happened. His face felt a little hot so he distracted himself by calling Chen Wen again. This time he answered. "I'm on my wa.." but was cut-off by Weizhou. " where the hell are you??!! you need to hurry Wen, we will be leaving in a minute!". Chen Wen said that he overslept and now on the way to the company. Weizhou just assured Chen Wen that he will wait for him.

After the call, Weizhou let out a long loud sigh. Shi Hui noticed it and went to him, poking Weizhou's arm. "Zhou, what's up? are you alright??" she asked and gently put her hand on the forehead of Weizhou. "you're hot and your face is red! do you have a fever Zhou?" she asked again worriedly. 

"no no no, I'm fine Shi Hui. I'm probably too stressed coz Chen Wen is still not here. They said, we will be leaving shortly," he explained. Their conversation was disturbed by a group of intimidating soldiers went inside their room.  A soldier with a side part hairstyle, about 183cm tall spoke and said "We will be your escorts in this mission. We're gonna load your bags and things first in the plane. Just follow them to the plane. we will be leaving shortly" pointing at 2 soldiers, one with the mole near in his left eye and again the soldier with the bandana.

"Can we wait for a little longer sir? my friend is still not here." Weizhou pleaded. The tall soldier was about to speak when Weizhou heard a familiar voice. " No we can't doctor, we don't want to be delayed." said again the mysterious soldier meeting their eyes for the second time.


Crap. What's happening to me?

Weizhou mentally cursed himself for looking in those deep dark eyes again. Weizhou's mind still can't get over on what happened earlier. What to do now??

 This is a very strange encounter indeed.

↠↠↠↠↠ THE END ↞↞↞↞↞

Disclaimer: Shi Hui- As you may know, she is Bai Louyin's ex girlfriend in the novel "Addicted" by Chai Jidan.

Hello reader,

Sorry for a very slow update 🙇‍♂️🙏 I really appreciate all your comments. I never thought someone would read this hahaha Please VOTE or COMMENT or SHARE.. I hope you've enjoyed the 3rd chapter. Stay tuned for more updates.

Spread love, be kind and stay safe..

〜 Gee

Coming up next 》 CHAPTER 4 │ Awkward Ride

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