Delay || [Author's Note]

228 18 8

Hello readers,

Merry Christmas everyone! I've missed y'all.

I'm writing this to let you know that I might take a while before I could publish the next chapter because the situation here is kinda difficult.

I'm from the Philippines and sadly, we were badly affected by the typhoon Rai (Odette). I've been planning to continue writing the next chapters before or after the holidays but the super typhoon came, devastating everything here. From where I lived, there no network signal, electricity for several days and some even had no water suppy  until now (like in our neighbooring town) due to the aftermath of the typhoon. Thanks God, we're ok. We'll keep moving forward and adapt to the situation.

I apologize if I'm not consistent in writing and posting updates of the story. I know of you were looking forward to it, but as much as I wanted to write, the situation here doesn't allow me hahahaha even before the typhoon came, I've  been also dealing with stress and depression  so I need some time to clear my mind- to reset. Again, I'm sorry to keep y'all waiting. I will still continue this story so wait for me ok?

I won't make this long coz nobody likes to read an A/N or a rant this long hahahaha anyway, I hope you still have patience for the next upload hahaha I've just read all your comments and messages and I would really like to reply them all but for now, I can't. I'll be more active when things here were all settled here.

Wherever or whoever you are that is still reading this right now, THANK YOU. I hope you're doing fine and happy. Always be grateful and treasure everything that you have now–your family, friends, house, clothes , foods etcs coz someone out there doesn't have what you have. And always be prepared for we not know when disaster comes.

I'm excited from hearing anything from you dear reader!

Spread love, be kind and stay safe..

〜 Gee

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