Hello Reader || [Author's Note]

286 14 10

Hello reader, 

How are you? 

I'm sorry I still haven't posted a new chapter in this story. I'm supposed to post it within this week but my laptop has technical problems.😭 IDK how long they can fix it... and hopefully all my DRAFTS and EDITs in this story are intact 😔🙏 (so stressful fufufu) Its difficult to make this chapter in my phone so I apologize if it takes awhile to update.(but im trying to make the next chapter in my phone so pls bare with me hahaha)) . And also I have a hectic schedule next week - my exams are coming up,project deadlines are near and lately my mom got an hand infection so I need to take care of her.. 

Im tired but YUZHOU is life. so I need to keep on going hahaha 😂😂 Its just a bad day not a bad life right? 😂😂💪💪

Anyway, I hope u can still wait until the next update.. If I can, I "might" post 2 chapters... but we'll see.. 😉 I hope u are all having a great day.!! 

Spread love, be kind and stay safe..

〜 Gee

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