》 MINI CHAPTER I│ Leo x Lucas《

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A/N: I just wanted to give a little moment to our 1st side couple, Leo and Lucas. You may or may not know them but for me, they are so cute in their Daily Tidbits video on youtube. I've known them from the series, SWAP.


Yang Yeming or who he prefers to be called Leo, is the rookie sniper of the team. He is not only considered a fit, good-looking badass guy but also gifted with an exceptional vision of 20/10. With these traits alone, with a little flirty attitude, anyone can definitely be attracted to him. He was so used to being everyone's center of attention until somehow a certain person was not affected by his charm. Their path crossed in his 1st shift guarding the isolation area.

"Urrgghh why am I the first shift huh? Who could possibly attack them in the middle of this f*cking forest! ...Monkeys?!" Leo exclaimed, talking to himself as he let out his dismay for being assigned to guard the isolation area.

"S-rank agents like him are just so...over-the-top.." He added. Regardless of his inner complaints, Leo did what he needed to do. He walked back and forth, surveying the outer perimeter.

At that time, Lucas and Jin Lulu were finally on off-duty and were on their way out when suddenly Jin Lulu talked about Weizhou's bodyguards.

"Hey Dr. Lucas, can I tell you something?".. Jin Lulu opens the topic as they casually talking with each other.

"if it's about me taking your shift again, then my answer is NO..." Lucas answered without a second thought.

" what? no no.. it's about Dr. Weizhou's bodyguards... and for the record, that only happens once ya know..." Jin Lulu replied.

"Don't tell me you're already eyeing one of those bodyguards?!" Lucas squinted his eyes at Jin Lulu knowing what she's been up to. She just blushed and smiled like a high school girl while playing with her hair. Lucas mentally face-palmed himself.

"I think I might have a crush on their leader hehehehe he is so handsome and so damn fit...aahh those eyes I can't.." Jin Lulu continued fantasizing about her crush while Lucas was just nodding and wasn't really paying attention to her. Then as they get nearer to the exit, Lucas notices a fully armed guy who wore a black cap, standing outside the gate.

"What the hell are they doing here?... I mean HIM.." Lucas asked, pointing at Leo.

"Well obviously, he must be guarding this place coz the 'young master' is here. He is their top priority, right?.." Jin Lulu answered.

"Is it really necessary? I mean technically, we are already protected within the borders of the village,right?.." Lucas added.

" Not 'we', just Doc Zhou. They are HIS bodyguards, I bet his father paid them to go wherever he goes...after all, they all have the power and money to hire them for that.. As if I know, if something happens here, they will only protect Doc Zhou. .. " Jin Lulu replied.

"Aah. Don't be like that Jin Lulu. Zhou isn't like that..." Lucas answered back.

"we'll see about that..." Jin Lulu just raised an eyebrow. By this time, they were already outside the isolation area, gaining the attention of the young guard.

"Good morning..." Leo slightly nodded and greeted them. Lucas and JinLulu nodded in unison.

"well, hello Mr. Handsome..I didn't know you'd still be guarding this place.Are you alone?" JinLulu asked him directly while turning her head, looking for 'someone'.

"Uum not anymore..Ms. Gorgeous.." Leo teased as he winks at JinLulu, successfully making her blush. This exchange of flirting conversations made Lucas gag. Leo noticed him but ignored his reaction and remained in his flirty attitude towards JinLulu.

" Does your leader also guard here? When will be his shift?" She bluntly asked.

" No. He won't be here. All he has to do is to give us orders." Leo replied coldly. JinLulu pouted much to her dismay.

"Why look for him, when I can be here with you, Ms. Gorgeous." Leo flirted again, making JinLulu giggle. Lucas rolled his eyes. He had enough with their flirting so he decided to leave them alone.

"Ok that's it. I'll leave you two alone. I need to go. Bye.." Lucas said as he started to walk away.

"Hey Dr. Lucas.. wait for me.. I'm just gonna take selfie with Mr. Handsome here.." Jinlulu grabbed the backpack of Lucas, preventing him from leaving. Lucas made a loud sigh and said, "will you hurry it up then!!."

JinLulu started to get her phone in her pockets but failed. It was not there.

"Crap.. I left my phone inside!.. I need to get it back, just wait a sec.." She said.

"Wait what??!! Don't — " Lucas was cut off when JinLulu already sprints inside to get back her phone, leaving the two of them in awkward silence.

"Tssk this girl...." Lucas sighed again and massaged his temples. His getting headaches for this whole troublesome situation. 

"Why so in a hurry, Dr. Lucas..." Leo finally speaks to him, intentionally emphasizing Lucas' name.

"great! Now this guy over here is talking to me like we're fucking close! " Lucas spoke in his inner thoughts before looking at Leo. 

"It's none of your business, Mr. Not-Handsome..so why don't you just do your job and protect your 'Young Master', ok?.."Lucas bluntly said while putting a fake wide smile on his face. Leo just chuckled. He can sense the irritation of Lucas but decided to tease him further.

"What makes you think that I'm not doing my job Dr. Lucas? —" Leo walked slowly towards Lucas, making the poor doctor frown in confusion.

"Do you WANT ME to PROTECT you too, Doctor?" Leo smirked. He crossed his arms against his chest and looks down at the doctor, giving off an intimidating presence as he stops an inch in front of Lucas. Despite the height difference, Lucas won't back off either. He raised his eyebrow, looked him directly in the eye, and also crossed his arm against his chest, imitating Leo's posture and said, " Can you??.... Or you're all just TALK and FLIRT, Mr. Not-Handsome."

The next thing that Leo wasn't expecting was that Lucas had smacked his cap down. This caught Leo off guard. When he fixed his cap again, Lucas wasn't in front of him anymore. He had already walked away a few meters ahead. Leo was about to get his 'counterattack' but JinLulu arrived at the scene. As said before, they took a selfie but Leo's eyes weren't on JinLulu's phone but to the back of the mischievous doctor from far away. JinLulu bid her goodbye to Leo and sprinted again to catch up with Lucas who left her behind.

With Leo's gifted sight, he was still able to stare at Lucas' back longer until they disappeared from his sight. He can't help but smile.

"Imma get you soon, Dr. Lucas."

↠↠↠↠↠ THE END ↞↞↞↞

Hello reader,

Finally! I've done it!! This took a while because I can't make up my mind to the sequence hahaha Please correct any mistakes so that I can improve any of it.

PS. Throughout this story, there will be a MINI CHAPTER dedicated to our side couples because why not? Hahahaha Sorry again if this took a while. Initially, I didn't publish this chapter as soon as I'm done with it because I thought I'd publish this together with the next chapter but I realized that I can't let you wait any longer. So here it is! But don't worry, I'm almost halfway of the next chapter hahahaha 

I'm glad that some of you responded to my announcement. You know who you are. I really appreciate it. Your response really made my day. Love ya 🙇‍♂️❤️

Please VOTE or COMMENT or SHARE.. I hope you've enjoyed this chapter.

Spread love, be kind and stay safe..

〜 Gee

Coming up next 》 CHAPTER 13│ Arranged Marriage《

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