》 CHAPTER 12│ The Shipper《

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Same day around 8am.

Risa and Eva walked into the forest going to the isolation area for their duty. Jake and Jin Lulu will brief them about the conditions of the patients. They casually chatting with each other about the last night's event. They became besties in a short period of time.

"Girl, I can't believe that there are so many handsome warriors in this tribe. They are so fit and..damn those tattooes... kkyyaa kakoiii**" Risa squealed as she was fan-girling over the Bantays. Eva just laugh.

"hahaha I though you like one of Doc Zhou's bodyguards Ri? Hahahah" Eva said

"oh I like them too.. but not for myself fufufufuf especially their cool-mysterious leader fufufufuf Him and Doc Zhou are like the prince and his knight fufufufuf " Risa let out a weird mischievous looking face. Risa can see the confusion of Eva's face.

"look Ev, it may sound weird to you but I can see the spark in them kkyyaa..." Risa squealed again. Eva just laugh. They may be different in culture, upbringing or interest but the two ladies seems like they've known each other for years.

"hahaha How are you gonna get a boyfriend when your shipping 2 men to be a couple hahaha?" Eva jokingly said.

"I don't care if I die single Ev... as long as my ship sail, I can drown in happiness hahahaha" They both laugh as Risa exaggerated her acting as if she was drowning. Then suddenly Risa stopped walking making Eva wondered what she was looking at. Before Eva could ask, Risa grabbed her and dragged themselves in the bushes, hiding.

"woaah.. what's wrong?! What's happening Ri?" Eva was scared a little by the sudden act of Risa.

"sshhh be quiet Ev and get down! They gonna see us!" Risa whispered.

" say who??" Eva asked.

"its Doc Zhou and his boyfriend...I mean bodyguard hehehehe!!!" She frantically search her phone and attempted to take a picture of them but then Eva smacked Risa's head (softly). Both of them were a few meters behind Weizhou and Jingyu.

"ouch! What was that for Ev?!!"

"I thought you saw a bear or something! That scared the hell out of me Ri! .. and why are we hiding? And why am I even whispering to you?!" Eva said half-whispering.

"ssshhh You're ruining my focus.. I need to capture this rare moment.!" They both prop their head above the bushes while Risa was focusing in her phone, taking pictures.

"aww that's cute!" Eva said as she witness Jingyu showing his arm to Weizhou..

"I.KNOW.RIGHT!.. Kyyaa now kiss.kiss. Kiss!" Risa can't resist her excitement seeing Weizhou looked up and their faces were inches apart. Eva just literally face palmed herself seeing Risa drooling over 2 men standing beside each other.

"oh no, they are walking away...oh gosh they're gone..oh wait.. Im'ma check by precious pictures hehehehe" Risa crouched down as she fondle her phone realizing most of her stolen shots are blurred.

"oh no no no no... why nowwww!!??" Risa was in distress and didn't notice a spider in her shoulders.

"uuumm Ri.. there's something in your shoulders..." Eva warned Risa as she saw a big hairy-legged spider crawling in her shoulder. Risa looked over and almost her soul would jump-out in her body.


Poor Mr. Spider. He might gone deaf by Risa's loud scream.

↠↠↠↠↠ THE END ↞↞↞↞

Hello reader,

How are you?

I know this chapter is short but I hope it made you smile or laugh. This chapter isn't supposed to be included in the story but I felt I need to because it's been playing in the back of my mind hahahha and I had a similar experience of it too (except for the spiders )..

Do you have the same experience too?

Please VOTE or COMMENT or SHARE.. I hope you've enjoyed this chapter. Stay tuned for more updates.

Spread love, be kind and stay safe..


Coming up next 》 MINI CHAPTER Part 1Leo x Lucas

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