》 CHAPTER 16 | Fight for Love《

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Previously on Chapter 15....

Weizhou finally knew the truth about Bu'an and Tala's relationship as well as Jingyu's duel as a condition to prevent him and Tala's marriage.


A sound of a hard strong punch echoes in the camp as Jingyu mercilessly punches the sandbag hung from a tree branch. While his other teammates were busy preparing for their dinner, Jingyu, on the other hand, decided to do boxing as a good way to warm up for tonight's duel.

Or perhaps for his distraction.

A distraction from the confrontation between Weizhou earlier.

"What's with him? He should be glad that he doesn't need to worry about the marriage. He should be focusing on his 'job'.." Jingyu talked mentally to himself as he expressed it through every punch on the sandbag.

"I just wish that you could trust me too.."

Jingyu remembers Weizhou's last words, causing him to flicker his tongue.

"Trust?! What does he know about trust huh? Trust is something to be earned. In fact, he shouldn't trust someone so easily." JIngyu continued in his thoughts and to clear out his mind, he kept on punching the abused sandbag until he heard Fengsong called him from behind.

"Boss, wanna join us for dinner?" Fengsong excitedly invited Jingyu over.

" Thanks but I'm not yet hungry." Jingyu glanced at Fengsong to acknowledge his presence. Fengsong nodded and retreated back to the group while Jingyu resumed punching.

"Told you so." Andy confidently said as if he bet on it.

"An elite like him wouldn't join a low-class like us.." Andy added, saying it loud enough to be heard by Jingyu.

"sshhhhh What da f*ck Andy! He can hear you!" Fengsong tried to cover up Andy's mouth and glanced at Jingyu who seemed to be so focused on what he was doing.

"What are you so afraid of? let him hear it...what kind of a leader would he be if he kept his distance from his own teammates, huh?!! tell me I'm not the only one who noticed it..." Andy let out his frustrations.

"watch your mouth Andy! He is still our Superior. You cannot talk to him that way!..." Chris finally spoke, raising his tone to get Andy's attention.

"oh yeah! He will only talk to us if there's an order!! Are we his puppet just like—" Andy was cut-off by a sound of drums like thunder in the distance. They also notice Buan and a bunch of Bantays with a fire torch coming towards their camp.

"What the hell are they doing here?" Fengsong said while looking at his tablet as he also received an alert from the motion sensor he placed around their camp.

"Maybe they wanted to join us for dinner instead? hahaha" Andy sarcastically laughed as he stood up. Chris and Leo stood up and tried to approach the incoming Bantay but heard Jingyu's voice from behind.

"I guess it's time. '' Jingyu said while wearing his jacket. He then took out the knife embedded on their wooden make-shift table and put it in his leg strap and walked past them.

" I thought the fight would commence at midnight? it's only 2200." Leo said as he double checked the time on his watch.

"It doesn't matter. The earlier the better." Jingyu replied and turned around to face his other teammates and continued.

"No matter what happens tonight, DO NOT interfere and just stick to the plan, am I clear?" Jingyu's serious and stern voice made the whole team silent. Jingyu made the last eye contact with Chris, his second-in-command, which returned a respectful nod indicating he understood Jingyu's sign. Jingyu was being tied harshly in the hands with a rope by Isog'ga, the leader of the Bantay while his team just watched him as they disappeared from their sight.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Feb 16 ⏰

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