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Hello everyone my name is Zembzooi and welcome to this cringy book!

( To og readers pls don't ask why I have this thingy up lol even tho I should have done that at the start... ) my bad

As I mentioned in the description there will be:

Grammar warning
Ships ( a tiny bit )
A random ship ( which u don't have to agree with me :3 )
Emotional ( a tiny bit )
Serious Action (not really)

that's it!

Yes ofc the ships that I will be making is my opinion so don't need to agree with me for example:

Lollipop x Taco
Basketball x Snowball

This is just me thinking it's headcanon, so of course none of this is real. All of this is in my own thoughts so if you don't like what I'm writing. That's 100% okay! I'm very bad when it comes to writing ships so please bare with me ;w;. I'll try and improve as hard as I can, since I don't understand how to write something about love ;-;

Another NOTE!
Even ships isn't you're thing, either it has to do with cringing or the art that is very annoying. We understand, but again; if you hate ships, don't give hate towards the people who ships the ships like the commonly/overused ones!

Again if you don't ship but respect the ship, or just hate the ship in general 100% okay! I'm fine with that :)

Another note again  is that the Language that the characters will be speaking in [SPOILERS]

Note this is just a summary so don't take it too far if I got the characters languages wrong. This is just some random idea I had for a very long time and I don't want to change my idea and tbh I actually want to write something about a different language lol.

Yes, this is my AU so ofc there will be different language in the chapters that you'll find very soon!

Also, I'm actually learning Korean so I'm not an expert with these languages. [I'm using translator so let me know if I got something wrong!]

The only language I can speak is: Spanish and English lol.

Thank you so much for reading this weird message and I'll shall see you guys on the first chapter!

"Getting things done FIRST!"

~Zembzooi 2021

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