First day: Chapter 1

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Today was the first day of school, and I was not ready. Teachers would be nagging, homework will be giving out , and more and more work will take over my free time . I was walking out my room heading towards the living room when i heard my phone ring. I went back to my room and answer it. “Oh my god , today we start school!! New year, new me ! Are you ready Kelsey?", my best friend Juliette yelled through the phone with such joy . “Ermm, not really." i replied to her with such a tired and weak voice. “Oh come on, you'll get to spend more time with me !! and maybe we can join some clubs together so we wont get bored during the day . what do you say ?" . She had a point , it would be fun to spend more time with her throughout the day and it wouldn't kill anyone if i joined a few clubs here and there, Surprisingly i agreed with her and she was on her way to pick me up.

BEEP BEEP , the cars horn was beeped and I grabbed my bag and a piece of toast that my mom had left for me out on the kitchen counter. The car ride was quiet but very quick which was good . Behold !~~ the school was there in front of my eyes . I didn’t want to enter to what now was going to be hell. I was walking in and Juliette was already making new friends. What the heck , not even a minute had past and she was already making friends. I went to get my schedule to see what glasses I had. Great , I had more art classes than actual boring classes . That was a good start . I was on my way to 1st period with was Digital Computer. All of the back seats were taken and I had no other choice than to take a seat in the front. I was minding my own business looking at my phone and I heard a loud scream , it was a guy .Great a loud guy in my class for the rest of the year woopdy doo!

I looked up to see what was happening , but I was then caught looking at two sets of eyes. They were blue. The guy had such an angelic smile and laugh that just gave me chills. He was looking at me but I couldn’t look away . Its like our eyes were just magnets to each other and it was impossible for me to look away until the bell rung. The teacher walked in and started talking “Hello, I’m Mrs. Rafi and ill be your Digital Computer teacher this year. Lets take roll call . Mark ? " “Here ! " “Adam?" “Here" The teacher kept calling out names and I was just waiting in total boredom for my name . “Niall?" “Here" I looked over to see who he was and to my surprise it was him. The guy I couldn’t get my eyes off of . He caught me looking at him and gave me a small smirk and looked away. My body shivered and felt a rush all over my body . “This class should be fun " I said in my head. We didn’t really do anything since it was the first day. Time passed by and the bell rung for 2nd period. Art.

I was arriving to the class when suddenly I heard someone screaming , “Hey, wait up !! ". I turn around to find Niall running after me . I stopped walking and waiting for him to catch up . He was out of breathe and had sweat all over his forehead. “Hey " he managed to say with such little air he had . I giggled ,"Hello " , “You know , I never caught your name " he said with a cheeky grin . “Oh , my name is Kelsey ." “Wow , that’s a nice name you got there " I laughed and said “Why thank you " while doing a small bow. “You have Art next ? " he asked and took a look in the class which we were standing in front of. “Yeah , this should be fun considering the fact everyone in here looks so talented already drawing . “I said pointing into the class full of students drawing on canvases . “Well, this should be fun. I have this class too so looks like in stuck with you. “he said looking at me while I was just taking glances in the class. We walked in and he offered me a seat next to him . I took it and we just talked until the teacher came in . He didn’t look so jolly as the last teacher . He looked more strict and demanding.

"Hi I'm Mr. Drew and I'm going to be your Art teacher . Everyone write your name down on a piece of paper and leave it on my desk. You have no work but don’t talk to loud." We all cheered and started writing down our names on paper and handing them in. “Why don’t you tell me about your self since we have half an hour and nothing to do ?" Niall said as he smiled with that beautiful smile of his . “Haha okay what do you want to know?" . “Erhm , where are you from?" “I'm from Mullingar . its a small place down in Ireland. " I said to him . He made a shocking face and said “Jesus , me too ! " The excitement in his voice made me laugh and he said “Well why don’t we actually go do something and continue talking ?" “Sounds good to me ! " We both got up and decided to just draw random things on paper . The bell rung and finally it was Nutrition. I was going to spend time with Juliette and see if we got any classes together. I was waiting under a tree where she said she would meet up with me . I was just standing there where a familiar voice behind me yelled me name in a questioning tone ,"Kelsey ? !" , “Yes? " I said turning around . And out of surprise it was him , the one I didn’t want to see here just not now . Harry. My ex boyfriend.

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