The Acceptance : Chapter 15

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HELLO EVERYONE !!! Omg Chapter 15 is here ! Finally ! Gawhd , thank you all so much for reading this shitty story . I hope you all have been into it . and Please don't be afraid to leave a comment on what you guys think ! I would love to know what you guys would be interested in reading so I can see what I can do to make it more BAM ! I hope you all enjoy this chapter ! ON WITH THE STORY ~~~

I was dieing in agony to just know what he was going to say . He kept on looking around while his left hand was behind his head . He bit his lip and looked back at me . He huffed and replied. "I would, but why should I ? Are you genualy thinking about auditioning ? Or ...." He said drifting of as he held up an eyebrow . "No . Its for Niall . He has such an amazing voice , and he said he would audition if you and the other lads auditioned with him , but as individuals. I would mean a lot to me and him if you do .Please Harold? " I looked at him as I grabbed his hands in mine and traced his knuckles with my thumb. I knew that was his weakness. He looked at me and smiled. He breathed in and let out a heavy sigh, "Alright , but have you asked the other lads ? " He asked as he stepped closer to me. I had to look up at him considering the fact he was 4-5 inches taller than me. "Nope , but i'll ask them later tonight . " I said as I poked him on the cheek and wondered off to where Liam, Louis, Zayn, Stephanie , and Niall were at.

Liam was drinking water and Louis was sitting on the floor staring at me as I walked towards them. He smiled and looked up at Niall and Zayn as he said something to them . I couldn't make out what he had told them but I just kept on walking .They turned around to face me and smiled. Stephanie stared at me and looked over to Liam who was looking at me. I wonder what they were staring at . "Hello . " i said to them as I arrived to where they were. They all laughed and I just standed there with a smirk on my face. "What's so funny !? " I asked them in a harsh yet calm tone. I giggled at the sight of all of them gasping for more air. They all stayed chuckling for a few seconds and Louis spoke . "I noticed that when you walk you smile at the ground alot. " He giggled and looked over to Zayn who was laughing . "It's true , I barley noticed and its funny . " He looked down to Louis and turned around as Harry tapped his shoulder .

"But it's some how cute ." Niall added as he flashed me a smile. I felt myself blush at his words. Stephanie laughed throughout the whole thing. She just found it funny. I turned around to find Harry and Liam in a table with Juliette . I was watching them laugh and I wondered about what , but I couldn't hear shit. I blamed the loud music that was playing in the background. I couldn't help but get into the music . I stayed stood for a while and remembered the song . "

You , you walked into the room . On a friday afternoon. That's when I saw you for the first time. and I was paralyzed I had a million things to say , But none of them came out that day. Cause I was never one of those guys , that always had the best lies. "

I started singing along as I started getting deep into the song . I let my voice take over me and I was soon making the song my own. I didn't notice the attention I was winning over from Niall . I kept on singing until the song had finish . I soon snap back to the game that was going on. I noticed Niall was staring at me in aw.

I started walking to him slowly . I stood in front of him and waited for him to started speaking . He soon opened his mouth but only to blabber out nothing but nonsense . "asdfghjklaldhfhj" Is all I could understand. I laughed at his actions. "Cats' got your toung ? " He quickly got out of space in mind and talked. "Wow ! I never knew you could sing like that ? and you call me a good singer ? You have got to be kidding me . " Niall said as he was blown away by my singing actions. I laughed at his statement and replied back , "Why thank you but in total honestly you sound way better ! and guess what ? I got Harry to audition ! 1 down 3 to go ! . " I said all excitedly as I squealed and punched him lightly on the arm.

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