Young Night : Chapter 23

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GUESS WHOS BACK !?It's me ! haha Well ,  I hope you guys enjoy this chapter ! Not my best , but it took me ages ! I hope you guys enjoy it ! Let me know. Comment and vote ? ^.^

*Kelsey's P.O.V*

Niall looked at me . He smirked . "Oh really , what did it say ? " I looked at the letter and handed it to him . He didn't lose contact with my eyes nor did I want to looked away . "Who is it from ? " he asked me as he unfolded the letter . He gazed at it and laughed as he raised up an eyebrow. "It has no name ? " I looked at him and observed his face. His eyes were just scamming the paper . He laughed ."Wonder who its from . " he said as he handed me the letter back . He took in a big breath . "But that person sounds really into you . Have you asked the lads ? " . I listened to his words as I looked at the ground while I played with my hands . I answered his question , "Well, I asked Liam but he was no help . Harry told me who it may be but I doubt its the person he says it is . " He looked at me , wide eyes, plum lips . "Who did Harry say it was ?" I hesitated on answering . How was I going to tell him that Harry thinks its him ? It would be awkward .

"You promised you would tell me ! " He wined as he looked at me and pouted his lip . "He thinks it you ." I giggle out as I poked him in the arm. He looked at me with a smile , cheeks bloody red. "It's ridiculous right ? I mean come-on, we're just friends nothing more .It would be really weird ! no , it would be wrong ! like us ?... HA " I told him .I felt my palms get sweaty . My heart raced at a heavy and fast pace. I felt very mean. He nodded as he barley looked at me and looked down ."Yeah , just friends. " he looked at me again and looked down to the ground ignoring eye contact . His eyes rather red and puffy than how they were before . They were blue and bright , full of shine . Now it was dull. "Niall you okay ? You look.. pale ? " I asked im as he placed his hands in his pockets and looked down "Nothing , erhm . I'll see you at the hotel . Ima leave with Liam . " He said as he turned around , giving his back to me . My face made a rather hurt expression as I saw him walk away , head down , left hand scratching the back of his head.

*Niall's P.O.V*

I was making my way to the back to the group and call Liam . He was chatting with Louis . "Liam , ready to go ? " I asked him . My voice sounded rather rusty and dry . he faced to look at me. His smile faded away. I turned to look at the floor and took out my phone since I had received a message. It was from Kelsey . I ignored it . I didn't feel like talking to her . Not after what she had told me . It really got to me and hurt me badly . In that moment I felt my heart literally stop . I don't know why , but it just bothered me... alot . Liam came to me and patted my back ,"You alright mate ? What happened ? " He asked me . Concern taking over his voice . "Nothing , i just need some sleep . But I don't wanna leave alone . Mind coming with me ? " I asked him ignoring any eye contact. "Yeah sure . Lets go . "We both headed out of the stadium and walked to the taxi stop. A taxi finally came by and we got in and went to the hotel .

"thanks for the company , Ill see you tomorrow at school . " I thanked Liam for dropping me off. He smiled , "No problem mate. But its barley 7 ? Are you alright ? " he asked me as he looked at me with the same expression he asked me with earlier to day . I looked at him , rubbed my eyes and replied , "Get in . " Gesturing him to enter the hotel room i was staying at . He walked in and sat on the couch . "Okay whats wrong ? " He asked me as he took out his phone and placed it on the coffee table infront of the couch . I sat down next to him and rubbed my face . "I'm the one who wrote Kelsey the letter. " . He looked at me and frowned his eyebrows. "And ? ..." , "She said that it'll be wrong . She even laughed at the thought of us being together ! Man , i don't even know. It's like I don't care , but I really do ! " Liam got up and walked around the coffee table . I got curious as too why , "Why are you doing that ? " , "I .. I have to go . Ill see you tomorrow ight ? Night . " He said leaving the hotel room . God , what was wrong with him . I ignored it and went into me and Kelsey's room .

I walked to the closet to pick out a grey hoodie and black sweats . I got my boxers and my cologne and went to shower up . About 10 minutes later I came out , changed and walked towards the bed. I got my phone which was on the night stand and saw that I had 4 new messages . "Jesus .. " i whispered to my self . 3 were from Kelsey and 1 from Zayn. I ignored the ones from Kelsey and read Zayn's . It read , " We're all on our way to the hotel . We'll arrive at around 9? . " Great . I didn't want Kelsey to be here . I felt so hurt around her now . I put my phone to charge and faced the window . I looked out to the stars and closed my eyes . Soon i was fast asleep.

*Kelsey's P.O.V*

I arrived at the hotel room at around 9 :38pm and boy was I tired . I had been texting Niall all night and he doesn't reply . Maybe he was already sleeping . "Bye ill see you guys tomorrow at school . " I said to the guys entering their hotel room . "Goodnight. Sweet dreams . " they all said in sync . I opened the door and Stephanie and Juliette were already closing the door to their rooms . I walked into me and Niall's room to find him sleeping with the lights turned off and the windows open . I quietly made my way to the closet to pick out a white t-shirt , green sweats and of course a fresh pair or strawberry underwear . I walked to the bathroom and changed. I didn't really need a shower , after all i was going to shower on the morning .

I walked to the bed and placed my phone on the night stand next to Niall's . I watched him sleep . So soft and angelic . I then remembered of how harsh I was with him . I felt horrible . I shouldn't of said what I said . It wasn't my intention. I walked to my side of the bed and sat there for a good 5 minutes staring to my phone . I looked over Niall's phone and decided to give it a check if he was actually receiving my texts of ignoring them . I saw that he hadn't read my messages but has read Zayn's . I placed his phone down , grabbed my phone and headed out of the room . I walked over to Steph's and Julie's room and knocked . "Guys ? It's me Kelsey . " I yelled quietly . Julitte opened the door and let me in . She was in her green and yellow onesies and her hair was up . I walked towards fluffy big pillow / sofa they had in front of the window and sat . "Whats wrong ? " Julie asked me . I looked up to the cream ceiling which has turned blue because of the moonlight and placed my phone on the floor . I huffed really loud and spoke . "Niall's mad at me .." I said and shut my eyes closed. Juliette laid down on her bed and placed a blanket over her self . She shut her eyes and replied . "He'll be over it by tomorrow . It was a long day today . Maybe hes just tired. Goodnight Kelsey . " She said as she yawned . "Goodnight Julie . " I yawned and made my self comfortable and looked out the window . I looked out to the stars and rested my head on my hand . "I wish tomorrow comes by real fast . " I said to myself and soon enough I was asleep .

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