The More the Better:Chapter 3

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I tried to ignore Harry , but I just couldn’t. His eyes were watching me in every move I made. I could feel his eyes burning in the back of my head. I just couldn't help it . I knew he was hurt. But what was I suppose to do ? It was his fault for leaving me after just one night. He thought I was out with another guy when in reality I was out with my sister Roxana. He waited for me outside my doorstep and he pulled a trigger and bursted out. He was saying painful things that just made me feel useless and not needed. I don't know what was wrong with him. But if he didn't have faith in me back then why should I even try anymore , right ?

I was talking with Juliette while Niall was talking with his friends Zayn and Liam. I have to say it , they were attractive young lads ."So , are you going to tell me or…?" Juliette said but I wasn’t able to hear her. I was spacing out about god knows what. “Kelsey!", Juliette screamed . “Huhu … what happened ? " I said as if there was some kind of emergency happening. “Oh god , were you spacing out ? I just spent precious time talking to someone who was spacing out ! Lordie lord ! help this child stay focused ! " , Julie said throwing her hands up in the air walking away. I just stayed seated laughing at her reaction.

"Ay Kelsey come over here for a bit love", Niall said waving for me to come towards his way. “I'm here ", I said as I hopped into a spot next to him. “This is Kelsey the girl I was talking about " Niall told Zayn and Liam . What was going on ? Why was he talking about me ? Was it something good ? was it something bad ? “Erhm hello ?" I said giving a weak wave . “Hello love I'm Zayn " “And I am Liam " The attractive lads introduced them self's to me ."Hello , nice to meet you " I said as I flashes a smile at them . “So I hear you like singing ? " Liam asked me . “Ugh Niall ! you told them ! you know I don't like people knowing that ! " I yelled at Niall as I Slapped his arm . “Hey hey hey chill ! they had to know some things about you so i just had to say it " he said while laughing . Zayn was just smiling the whole time . Weird guy , just smiling and loving life.

"Sorry to stop the party but I need her " Juliette said as she took me away. “Ay I was having fun !" I gave her a puppy face and giggled."What's up ? " I asked her . “I talked to Harry and he would really like to talk to you .. like now ! " . “What ? why now ? doesn't he see that I'm in a good mood and talking with him can just make it worst. " didn't really want to talk to Harry . I was sure he would just want to get back together but how could it work out if my feelings or him disappeared. “He just wants to talk bu-" she was cut of by the teacher walking in . “Hello everyone !" The male figure said to us. he looked like a fun teacher he could be fun . “Hi " The whole class spoke . “I'm Mr. Ramirez and I'm going to be your teacher this year . Erhm , if you can just go get a book from the shelf , write your name down and just drop it out on the bin near my desk . that should be quick right ? get on it . "

We all did as we were told. I was on my way to drop of my book when , “Hey !" Harry said grabbing my arm . He had a tight grip . “What ? " I said in such a harsh tone . “Can we please talk ? " I hesitated but I replied , “Okay fine . What do you want to talk about ? " I said as I sat on the table behind me. I started swinging my legs like a child on a swing. “Look I just want to know if you feel the same towards me . I haven't moved on from you . I've tried to forget you but everything reminds me of you . I love you. Give me one more chance and i swear I'll hear you out !" he said as a tear came down his cheek , he grabbed my hand and looked at me with those red eyes.

I cupped his cheeks in my hand and looked at him in the eye, “Look Harry, I cant say yes because it would be unfair to you . I don't feel the same for you as I did before . I would just like to be friends with you . That's all I'm asking for , just friends " he took my hands off from his cheeks and hold them in his ." if it would make you less stressed then alright I guess i could live with that. "He said giving me such a weak smile.

The time passed and it was time for 4th period . P.E. I was walking towards the gym all alone since Niall , Harry and Juliette didn't have that class with me. I then spotted out Stephanie . I ran after her while she was walking . She was a fast walker considering the fact she was going farther as i was running after her. “Stephanie wait up!!" I screamed out and she quickly stopped and looked towards my direction.

We walked together into the gym . To my luck I found Liam and Zayn smiling at me like 5 year olds trying to look innocent. "Hello love nice to see you have the same class as us " Liam said as he hugged me . “Haha Very nice indeed "I said looking at Zayn who was staring at my friend Stephanie ."Erhm , Zayn you alright there ? “He jumped a little and looked at me “Ye-yeah I'm good . I see you brought a friend of yours. " He said looking at Stephanie making her blush. “Oh, guys this is my best friend, Stephanie. Zayn couldn't help but smile . He has an adorable smile. “hello Stephanie " They both said to her. “Hello Boys “Stephanie said Waving at them.

We walked into the gym and just waited there for a teacher to appear. But I felt like if someone was missing . I looked to my sides to only find Liam. I asked him where Zayn and Stephanie were at and he nodded his head . We both went out of the gym to find them laughing and talking. Boy this should be good.

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