Awkward Events: Chapter 10

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Sorry for not updating these days ! I've been so caught up in school work ! and haven't had time to update ! But ill be updating three chapters ! So here's the first one ! I hope you guys like it ! (:

"Nothing. Really nothing happened." Louis replied to Ms. Fushan who was pretty shocked at how the guys looked. "Tell me what happened or I'm calling your parents." She protested. Louis walked towards the teacher and spoke "Okay . We all got in a fight. But not the girls. Just us . A guy was trying to hurt Kelsey and all we did was protect her and ourselves. "He was looking at us and looked back to the teacher who was busy checking Niall's eye which was swollen and his jaw was bleeding along with his nose. Poor kids face was all beaten up. Caylen's friend really passed the line with Niall.

"Well it's better to just finish todays lesson short and we go back to the hotel. You guys need to get some rest and Niall needs some aid . Kelsey would you like to look after him ? I mean you two look pretty close so I hope you don't mind? " Ms.Fushan asked me . I got a weird feeling in my stomach and looked over at the beaten up Niall that was in front of me. "I wouldn't mind . He does need to be looked after all and plus., we do share a room. "I said as I looked at Niall's scares and bruises. "Ouch ! "Niall let out a moan of pain as I passed my fingers through a little scratch on his cheek.

The rest of the lads were just shaking with anger and didn't really say much . They were hurt but didn't want to show any pain. Harry had blood on his knuckles, Louis had a few bruises on his shoulder, Zayn had scratches on his chest and blood stains all over his shirt, and Liam had a bloody nose and a scratch above his right eyebrow. They all seemed better than Niall. Ms.Fushan finished the lesson very quick and we all walked to the bus and got to the hotel in a matter of minutes.

Stephanie and Juliette opened the door to our hotel room and Zayn and Harry helped Niall go lay down to our room. I was looking for a first aid kit but couldn't find one so I decided to just grab alcohol and a cloth of the bathroom shelf and rushed to where Harry , Zayn, and Niall were at. "Here. I'm going to put some alcohol okay ? " I seated on the bed next to Niall who was laying down. I started to apply it on a big cut he had on his shoulder and he quivered. "Agh, it burns ! " Niall yelled as he let out a smile giggle followed by a sigh. I padded the cloth on scratches he had went to a nap.

"I'm going to go check up on Steph and Julie. "Zayn said as he left the room and Closed the door behind him. Me, Harry , and Niall were left alone in the room. "Look hope you're not mad at us ."Harry said as he looked down to his hands as he played with his fingers. "All we wanted to do is teach that horny basterd a lesson. Hopefully he leaves you alone now. I just didn't like the idea he just threw his self at you like that and was over you. " He looked up at me . He was serious. His face held no expression. His green orbs were shining. I got up and walked to the chair he was seating at and moved some curly strays of hair of his forehead and looked at him . "Its okay, but you really didn't have to do all that . You guys got hurt. Caylen is just a jerk who deserved no attention. " He nodded. "But Niall really didn't deserve that much damage. I'm sorry for not listening to you . I just let anger and jealousy take over the best of me... " He broke the eye contact and looked over at Niall who was sound asleep. "He'll be fine . He's a tough guy . " I said as I tried to make Harry smile which apparently worked.

Liam then walked in , "Ay how's Niall do- oh he went to sleep. " Liam went to seat next to Niall on the bed and studied his face. "He looks so hurt but he doesn't show it. " He stated with a light whisper as he traced the scars on his chest with his fingertips. Liam looked so concerned on Niall's scars and bruises. "I should have never even asked you to go to the field in the first place. It's all my fault. First the Caylen situation and the Niall. " Liam looked away from Niall'd figure and looked over the bathroom door which was in front of him . He looked hurt. I walked over to him and started talking in a loud voice. I was technically screaming, "Liam , it wasn't your fault at all ! Don't say that ! It was Caylens dumbass who couldn't keep his fucking hormones down and just had to try to get at me. You actually helped me . " I said as I was looking at him trying to catch his attention. He looked up at me with pain in his eyes. "Its just... Niall didn't deserve this . " He looked at Harry as he got up . "Look mate, Niall will be alright . He just has a few bruises and scars here and there but he will get over it by tomorrow . Don't blame it all on our self cause cause it was none of our faults. Like Kelsey said, it was all Caylen. " Harry patted Liam's back causing Liam to look at him . He flashed a smile and made me and Harry smile back.

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