Cliff Hanger for Chapter 25

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DO YA'LL LOVE ME OR WHAT !? I'm so evil . Since I didn't finish Chapter 25 , I'm giving you guys this cliff hanger . Two cliff hangers in one ? Great ! I hope you all enjoy it and stay tuned for Chapter 25 (; Gunnah be biiiigg !

*Stephanie's P.O.V.*

I was at school and only Juliette, Zayn, Louis and Harry had come . Niall , Liam, and Kelsey all had stayed back home . I was told that Liam was at his cousins house and Niall and Kelsey stayed home . I didn't really see how they could cope with their own presence . They hadn't been talking since like 7 o'clock yesterday. I was told to tell Ms.Fushan that they wouldn't be attending due to them having the flu. I was on my way to class since the bell had rung and I bumped into someone . "I'm sorry . " I apologied not knowing who it was . "no . You're rude . " They replied . I turned back and saw Harry. He had a cheeky grin on his face and laughed as I slapped his arm. "Ugh , You're the rude one ." I walked away as Harry followed behind. We both entered Ms.Fushans class room together and greeted her . "Hello Fushy ! " We yelled in sync . We went to our seats in class and noticed that there were new kids in the class . One looked awfully familiar .

I was taking out my notebook and a pencil for class when I heard Ms.Fushan talking to one of the new students . I ignored the conversation . It wasn't a very interesting one . I sat down and looked over to the classroom door and saw Zayn and Louis walk in . "Stephano ! " I heard Louis yell out from across the class. I felt my cheeks turn red at the embarrassment of that nick name . "Lou'Lou. " I said to him as I stuck my tongue at him . He laughed and took his seat behind Harry . They started talking right away . "Hey . " Zayn greeted me from behind . I turned around and found him seated behind me as he looked down on his phone . "What you doing there Malik? " I asked him all curious. He was never so attached to his phone . He chuckled and looked at me as he locked his phone and placed it on the table . " Talking with Liam . " He smiled . I turned to face ahead and saw that Juliette was walking in .

"Julie ! " I yelled at her as I stood up from my seat and opened my arms wide for her to hug me. "Stephanie ! " She yelled back as she was closer to me with her arms wide open as well . I smiled and hugged her and she hugged back . She hugged tighter than usual. "Why didn't Kelsey come ? " I asked her as I made a confused face. I sat back down to my seat and watched her sit down next to me . "She stayed home ... With Niall . "She said as she raised up an eyebrow. "But aren't they like , mad at each other ? " I asked her but Fushan interrupted us . She just shrugged her shoulders and I looked back to Ms.Fushan. "okay class, welcome back . How was your weekend? " She asked. Everyone stayed quiet . I kept in a chuckle from escaping. "Well then . We have 9 new students . Can you guys please come up?" She asked the 9 new students. I stayed seated and waited for them to go up . Only 8 of them had went up . "Ay , kid in the back get up . " Fushan yelled at the kid behind us. I didn't bother to turn back and in that moment I got a message . It was from Kelsey .

"Steph, can you please tell Harry to answer his phone . Thank you. " I grunted and turned back to face Harry . He was staring outside the window . I turned back to look in my bag for anything that was heavy enough to throw at him and make him turn to face me. I got a gum wrapper and a rubber band . I folded the wrapper and hooked it on the rubber band . I used it as a sling shot and aimed at his ankle. I let it go and it hit him . "Yes ! " I cheered to myself . I heard Fushan talking in the background but I didn't really care. Harry faced me and frowned his eyebrows . He mouthed what . I showed him my phone pointed to him hoping he'll understand what I was trying to say . He looked down and his fingers started typing . I turned back to face the class and just there , my heart race stopped. I couldn't believe he was in my class.

*Niall's P.O.V.*

I was in the living room watching Supernatural . There was nothing on and got lucky that It was coming out . I kept on taking glances to me and Kelsey's room waiting for her to come out . I felt like talking to her . I didn't want to keep the silent treatment going on for so long . "Dean ! " The show ended . I grabbed the control and turned off the T.V and headed to the kitchen to grab some breakfast. I was about to open the fridge when I heard a knock on he hotel door. "What the-" I whispered under my breath . Who the hell would be knocking at this time? It was barley 9:30 of the morning . I was about to open the door when Kelsey got out of our room . She ignored eye contact with me and she headed to the door passing right through me . "Liam ! " She yelled out with joy . I saw two arms wrap around her waist perfectly and a head resting on her shoulder . "Someone's a little jolly today . " I heard the guy reply . I hissed and looked away . I wen tot he the kitchen and grabbed a box of Lucky Charms cereal and served myself some on a bowl and grabbed some milk and poured some . I heard a door lock and looked over to the living room to find it empty . Liam and Kelsey must of want there privacy .

I sat down on the counter in the kitchen and just started to eat . It was so quite . I wondered what was going on in that room .I didn't like the idea of Liam being left alone with Kelsey. Louis told me what had happened last time between them. I took out my phone and started to type a message to Liam . I wanted to know what was going on ."Liam , is Kels mad at me or sum'? " I sent the message . I had to know if she was mad or if she was just being silent with me because I was slient with her . I placed my phone down and looked out of the window . I noticed that the day was nice . It was sunny and the trees looked very green . Flowers bloomed everywhere. I then heard my phone vibrate . "She wants to talk to you . Come in here... Now . "

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