A Day With Drama: Chapter 11

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"It's not what you think okay ? We didn't kiss ! He was going in for a kiss but I stopped him. "I told her as I pushed her out of the way and I walked towards the kitchen counter to put the  hotel room key on a basket that was there. "I saw what happened . Don't try to lie . I saw you guys kiss ! " I started getting mad and turned red and my body started shaking. I was mad for two reasons. One, why would she spy on us ? Two, she didn't even see good to be assuming we did something we absolutely didn't. "We didn't okay !You know that I tell you anything but this time I swear . I didn't do anything with Liam. I don't even like him . "I stated as I took a seat next to where she was standing and covered my face as I let out a loud sigh.

"Look , I'm sorry for not believing you. You obviously don't like him . "She said as she started to rub my back . "That's right! " I looked at her and smiled. "Cause You like Niall . "She almost yelled to me as she started laughing . "Stephanie ! Can you please shut the fuck up ! There are people trying to sleep ! " I whispered as I pointed to my room 's door. "Sorry , but I couldn't help it. It's cute how you LIKE NIALL ! " She yelled out as she ran towards to her room which was only like 2 feet away from me and Niall's room.

I was about to reply to her statement when Niall walked out as he limped towards our way with a puzzled look on his face. "Who likes who? " He asked as he took a seat on the sofa that was in the living room . A cold rush went through my body and I opened my mouth to speak but no words came out . I took a look at Stephanie who was looking at me already and then she looked at Niall who was looking at me . She ran into the room and left me and Niall alone. He lift up an eyebrow and looked at me . "So? Who likes who . I want to know ! " He asked as he patted a spot on the sofa next to him on the right. I walked towards him and took the seat. I rolled my legs up and cupped them in my arms. I looked at him and sighed.

"Let me guess . You like someone ? " Niall asked as he faced to me and smiled. My heart beat increased and I was getting nervous at the thought that I was in this situation . "Erhmm, well yeah. But it's nothing serious . It just a tiny crush. Well not even a crush more like ... I see him as a good friend. " I said to him as I moved my hands uncontrollably with every word I was saying . He looked even more confused and asked , "Wait , so ... who is this person ? " He moved closer to me . He looked very interested in knowing . I stayed quiet for a while not taking my eyes off of his.

I felt my body get up from where I was seated at and started walking towards our room ignoring the question . "I'm sleepy . Good night and sleep tight. " I closed the door behind me and  walked towards the closet , got black sweats with pink and green dots and a white long sleeve shirt and headed to the bathroom to change. When I walked out I found Niall on the phone with someone . He didn't hear me get out of the bathroom and I stepped back in just so I could listen to what was going on . He stoked his hair with his left hand and laid back on the bed and started talking .

*Niall's P.O.V*

"I don't know man . Maybe I do but I really don't know what I'm feeling towards her . " I replied to Louis who was son the other side of the phone. "Well mate, don't get stressed out . Sooner or later you'll find out . But for right now I have to tell you ... Liam is trying to get at her ." Louis shocked me as he said Liam was trying to get at Kelsey . How could Liam possibly be interested in her if he hasn't actually talked to her. But who am I kidding. The first time I saw her all I could do is smile . She gave me a great and new feeling I've never gotten.

"Li-liam? How do you know ? "

"I was walking towards my hotel room when I saw Liam dropping of Kelsey at your guy's place and I decided to not interrupt . They stayed talking for a bit and he tried to kiss her. "

"What ! ? Did they kiss ? Was she actually kissing him ? "

"No , she stopped him . Liam  apologies for his actions and walked into our hotel room .Kelsey stayed there staring at the door for a while and then she walked in your guy's hotel room. But they most certainly didn't kiss. "

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