Your my comfort // 🧡💙

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Ship- Dreamnoblade
Type- Angst/Fluff
Trigger Warnings- panic attacks


    Dream pov:

Pick up George, pick up!


Straight to voice mail.

Text from George


Sorry Dream, I'm streaming right now


Calling Sapnap.

No answer.

So here Dream was on the bathroom floor in tears. How did he get there? He honestly can't remember. All he knew was that at this moment he was having a panic attack and neither of his friends were available.

Suddenly he got an incoming call.

He picked up his phone to see who was calling him, in hope it was one of his friends.

Technoblade is calling

Not sure what to do, he clicked answer.

"Hello.." a deep monotone voice came through the speaker. It almost felt comforting.

"H-" he started unable to speak. "Hi?" He managed to say trying his best to sound normal.

"Are you okay Dream..?"

"Ye-yeah I'm, I'm fine," he cursed himself for stuttering.

"Do you mind telling me what's wrong?"

    Technoblade pov:

"Do you mind telling me what's wrong?" At this point I had completely forgot what I was going to ask him.

"I said, said I'm f-fine, fine." I could hear Dream let out a quiet sob.

" don't sound fine," I could tell he's hurting and I want to help.

"I..I'm just freaking out about, about" he sniffled. "I can't even remember, and normally I would call S-sap or Ge-George, but they di-didn't answer."

From what it sounded like he was having a panic attack. I have experienced those. I try my best to comfort him.

"Hey...Dream it's okay, your safe."

I heard more sobs from the other side of the phone.

"Your okay, I promise."

I just repeated 'your okay' and 'your safe' until he eventually calmed down.

"Th-thanks Techno.."

"Of course, you know you can call me anytime, right?"

"Thank you.."


There you go folks, first chapter.


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