The boys // ❤

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Pairing: bench trio
Type: fluff
Trigger Warnings:slight mention of abuse
(Heavily based off what my friends and I do when we hang out lol)


The three boys rode their bikes down one of the side streets of their small town, shouting and laughing.

Though it wasnt long until the shortest of the bunch, Tubbo, had managed to hit the curb, flying to the ground.

He fell into a small puddle near the sewers drain.

He wiped the droplets of water that had splashed on his face off with his sleeve, laughing.

He stood up still laughing, the two taller boys stood watching the brunette do so.

His brown fluffy hair fell right in his eyes making it practically impossible for anyone see his eyes, which were a baby blue. Scattered freckles covered his fair skin along with scratches, that not even Tommy knew where they came from. He had loose hand me down denim jeans from his older brother Dream. A gray graphic T-shirt was tucked loosely into the top of his pants. Over top he wore a large dark green windbreaker that had a small bee on the chest.

He quickly picked up his bike hopping back on it, started petaling.

They soon made it to their location, a pizza place that had a comic store and arcade in it.

They chained up their bikes outside before walking in laughing.

The walked over to the counter waiting for one of the workers to come help them.

They talked quietly about random things that came to mind.

"Hi, can I help you boys?" A short young lady came over, she had her dark curly hair tied up into a loose bun, with soft freckles dotting her tan skin.
(There is a girl in my town who works there and she looks just like that and she is so pretty)

"Hi, yeah, we would like three slices of pizza, one lemonade, a water and coke" Tommy the most social person the the trio stepped forward.

He wore a red hoodie that had a white T-shirt over top of it, he had khakis on and white tennis shoes dusted with dirt.

"Alright, the pizza might take a while so you boys get a free half hour in the arcade," she passed a small black thing to use the games.

"And your total is $15.56."

Ranboo reached into his satchel pulling out the money and handing it to the lady, before going back to fiddling with the hem of his shirt.

He was wearing a white button up shirt, overtop of it was a dark grey lemon demon sweater. He had black jeans that were cuffed. He had one green and one red convers, the whit bit of the shoe being covered with black ink drawings. His satchel was covered with pins, one being a lemon demon pin, another being the nonbinary flag, and a couple minecraft pins.

The all made their way to the back before Ranboo and Tubbo made their way to the galaga machine.
(Galaga is my favorite game)

Tommy went to the pac man machine, sitting on the stool and starting the game, he moved the joint stick as fast as he could trying to get away from the ghost things, failing everytime. He was determined though so he kept playing.

Soon Tubbo walked over to Tommy.

"Whatcha playing big man?" He asked.

Tommy turned away from the game, looking over to the brunette.

"Playing pack man, hey where is boob boy?" He asked jokingly.

"Oh their trying to beat the galaga high score, hes a lot better at it than you think." He laughed.

Soon the little black thing began beeping at them.

"Let's go get our food!" Tubbo said already racing to the front, despite being the shortest Tubbo was the most athletic out of them.

They grabbed their food taking a seat in the biggest booth.

They laughed and talked as they are.


They raced down to the gas station on the corner of Willerman Street, dodging cars and occasionally getting honked at.

They rushed inside the store, grabbing gummies, chips and pop. The raced up to the front.

"Uh, that will be $6.42," the man at the counter sighed.

Tubbo and Tommy turned back to the tallest one of the three, Ranboo sighed and grabbed the exact amount, handing it to Tommy.

They payed and made their way over to the train tracks laughing.

They walked down the tracks joking, eating and laughing.

It was a pretty good day to say the least.


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