As the world caves in // 💙

882 12 1

Ship - c!bee duo
Type - angst
Trigger warnings - death, hurt no comfort
Cc!tubbo and cc!ranboo have confirmed that their dream smp characters are romantically involved.


He watched as Quackity pushed his sword into Ranboo's chest.

He wanted to scream. He wanted to run to his beloveds side, to comfort him. But he couldn't. He was frozen with shock and fear.

He could hear Quackity and Wilbur arguing, he could care less about what.

When he finally came to his senses, he realized that Las Nevadas was crumbling and shaking. Ash and dust filled the air.

Tubbo covered his mouth, coughing into his dirty green jacket sleeve.

He felt a powerful blast from behind him, sending more smoke and ash into the air.

He ran quickly to the wounded enderman, left abandoned on the ground.

"Tubbo.." He coughed.

"I'm here, I'm here," he reassured, caressing the hybrids face, a weak smile apparent on his scarred face.

"You need to go." He coughed again, attempting to push the goat off him.

"I can't leave you." Tubbo's eyes filled with tears.

"Please, I'm not going to make it out."

"Don't say that, you'll be okay." A tear slid down his face.

"Tubbo, go, go find Micheal. Please." His finger burned as he wiped the tear from his husband's cheek.

"I'm not leaving you, see we can go and find him together, and-"

"Tell him dad loves him." Ranboo's small smile absolutely broke Tubbo.

"No, no, you can tell him yourself." He shook his head.

"Tubbo.." Ranboo cupped the olders cheeks, pulling his head down and placing a light kiss on his forehead.

"What?" Tears flowed down Tubbos cheeks.

"I love you." Ranboo coughed once again, this time blood spilling from his mouth.

"I love you so much." Tears spilling over the endermans cheeks, burning his skin.

"I love you too." Tubbo held onto his body, pushing his head into his chest.

He stayed there for what felt like ages.

"Tubbo." A familiar voice came from behind him.

The teenager turned to see his once employer Quackity.

"What." He barked.

"We have to go."


"What do you mean no?! Las Nevadas is crumbling! You'll die if you stay here!" The duck yelled over the flames and explosions.

"I'm not leaving them." Tubbo pulled the hybrids body closer to his chest.

"Tubbo, he's already dead. And you'll be too if you don't hurry up!"

"I'm not leaving." Tubbo turned back to his husband, he brushed the hair away from his face.

He could hear Quackity run away from him.

His tears stained cheeks glistened in the moonlight as tubbo sat next to his beloveds corpse.

He closed his eyes, laying next to his husband.

He smiled thinking of all the best memories they had.

"I love you" He whispered, then silence.

I just realized this doesn't make sense cause Ranboo has all 3 canon life's, so let's just say cause he's an enderman he only had one. :,)

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