How? // 🧡💙

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Type-angsty ;)
TWs- not that I can think of



How did I fall in love with him?

I mean sure we have a joke relationship or whatever. But I didn't think I would actually fall in love with him.

And the worst part is I know he doesn't love me back.

He talks daily about his dates with this "lovely" girl he met. I cant help but feel envious of her.

He describes how he finds everything about her perfect, while all I can think about is how perfect he is.

His beautiful brown eyes that look like brownies and shine like the stars. He perfectly styled brown hair that I dream about running my hand through. His comforting accent, always able to calm me down when I'm upset.

It hurts.

But I know eventually I'll get over him.

I just have to wait till then...


Wow, look I've done a different ship.

Sorry if it's bad, I dont really ship dnf.


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