helpless // 🧡

756 12 3

Pairing(s): Dreamnoblade, twin duo, sbi
Type: Fluff
Trigger warnings: none
May or may not be based of of the song from Hamilton...

Wilbur watched as his little brother stared off, his eyes traced the blonde just across the plaza.

He wore a green sweatshirt and a black shirt, his blonde hair stuck out in all places, clearly not brushed, scratches, bruises and freckles danced along his face, along with obnoxious green eyes.

Wilbur just couldn't understand why his brother was so infatuated with this one individual. His name was Dream for Christ's sake!

But Techno just loved to watch him hop around the area like a two year old child excited to get ice cream. And the worst part was Techno was absolutely oblivious to his little crush.

Whenever Wil tried to bring it up to the pinkette his face would turn pink, and it was almost like his brain would just shut down, he would begin to stutter, explaining that he just wanted to talk to the guy, get to know him better, he seemed cool.

Like Wilbur bought that.

Dream didn't even know who he is!

"You know Techno's got a crush on Dream," Wilbur spoke one night, as he sat in his father's office.

He spent a lot of nights like this, in his father's office, just chatting about things he usually can't say with his siblings around.

"Who?" Phil questioned, finally looking up.

"Dream, Dream Schlatt, Tubbo's brother."

"Oh, hm. What makes you say that?"

"Just by the way he looks at him, he looks at him like he's the best fucking thing in the world!" Wilbur stressed the 'fucking' in his sentence.

"Maybe cause to Techno he is." Phil hummed, smiling to his son.

"Yeah, no fucking way." Wilbur puffed.

"Why are you so angry, Wil?" He chuckled.

"Becuase Dream isn't as special as he thinks he is! He will probably just break his heart!"

"You don't know that." Philza laughed at his oldests anger.

"Hey Dream!" The blonde heard a familiar voice yell.

"Oh! Hey Wilbur!" The brunette stood tall and confident, he was a few inches taller than Dream.

He had a crooked smile, his curly brown hair was shoved under his red beanie, and he wore a yellow sweater.

"Hey! I wanted to introduce you to my little brother Techno! You two are the same age so I thought you could be friends!" He gestured over to the slightly shorter boy, before walking away.

Dream's eyes studied the slightly older boy. He was about half an inch taller, his long pink hair was messily pulled up into a bun, making his undied roots more prominent. He had a pink sweatshirt on, the little fly aways of his hair were curly, bunching up near is jaw. He was pretty, like really fucking pretty.

"Hello." A deep voice broke Dream out of his trance.

"Hi!" He smiled, taking the others hand, shaking it.

"Have you ever had Scoops?" Dream tilted his head ever so slightly.

"Uh no?" Techno question.

"Well you have too!" He grabbed the olders wrist, beginning to make his way out of the plaza, toward a small ice cream shop across the street.

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