I did.. // 💙

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Pairing(s): Ghostboo and Tubbo, firework duo, clingy duo, aluminum duo
Type: angst
Trigger warnings: feelings of unrequited love, death, alcohol

The brunette stared off in space, picturing a place where he was okay, where his husband was still here, where he knew his son was safe and with him. A place where everything was perfect.

His thoughts were paused by the sound of boots crushing the crisp snow. It was probably Technoblade coming to check on him.

He's been doing that a lot lately. Ever since Ranboo died. He made sure Tubbo ate, drank water, got out of bed. He will admit he did miss the friendship he had with Techno before that happened.. Techno felt more like a brother than anyone else, Wilbur and Tommy were technically his adopted older brothers, but Techno seemed to beat them all.

The foot steps stopped a few feet behind where Tubbo sat on the docks, but Tubbo didn't turn around to see who it was. He didn't really care.

"Hey Tubs..." His bestfriends voice was sore and quiet, pity lied in his voice, Tubbo didn't need pity.

Tubbo slowly stood from where he sat not bothering to turn around. He layed the bottle of beer on the ground, next to the other empty ones. He didn't really want to turn around. He did want to see Tommy, he didn't want to be reminded of what happend to Tommy. That was part of the reason he hadn't have seen him in so long.

"I.. I want you to meet someone.. well not meet, see someone.." Tommy's voice was slightly louder now. He heard the blonde walking closer, soon he felt his hand on his shoulder.

Tubbo slowly turned. Tubbo's hair made it hard for Tommy to look him in the eyes. The blonde had dark circles under his eyes and scars lined along his face.

"What..." Tubbo's voice was broken from crying and screaming.

"I thought... I thought you might wanted to meet Boo." Tommy spoke cautiously as if he were scared. The brunette scrunched his nose in confusion.

Boo? That was..

The revived teen stepped to the side, what Tubbo saw caused tears to begin to slip down his cheek.

"Oh hi Tubbo!" The ghosty boy smiled. He sounded happy, really happy.

"Tubso?" Tommy reached out to his bestfriend, which was rejected as the brunette slapped his hand away.

"You remember me..?" His voice was muffled by his hand.

"Of course I remember you! God! I don't know how you put up with alive me!" Ranboo.. no Boo, laughed.

"I was so annoying!" He laughed again.

Tubbo began to sob hysterically, unable to speak.

"What's wrong Tubbo?" The ghost stepped closer, confusion filled his voice.

"What ar- what-" Tubbo sobbed " What are you- you talk- talking about?"

"What am I talking about?! God, when I was alive! I was the worst, everyone hated me!" He reached his hand out to the smaller boy, but he pushed them away.

"Thats... that's not true!" He whispered underneath his breath.

"Now what are you talking about?!" He laughed "Nobody like me when I was alive! I'm better now!"

"I did.." He mumbled.

"What?" Tommy reached out to the crying boy.

"I did.." He said louder now, anger flooded his veins.

"You did?" Ghostboo's voice was quiet, his hands pulled to his chest.

"Yes, of course I did! How could I not have! You were perfect! You were nice, and loving!" The brunette shouted at the ghost, letting his anger out.

"I thought.. you."

"You thought I what? I didn't fucking love you?" He voice went quiet "The best decision I ever made was marrying you.."

"But you're not Ranboo.. You're not my Ranboo. Now please Tommy.. take your friend and leave. I don't want them here." The smaller turned away, wiping the tears from his face.

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