Incorrect Quotes :) // 💚

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These will be a mix of ships so be warned.
Also all of them with the minors are strictly platonic.


Dream: I'm kinda crushing on someone, but I'm worried about telling you who it is, cause your not gonna like it.
Technoblade:Just rip the bandaid off.
Dream: its Wilbur.
Technoblade: Put it back on.


Dream: *gently taps table*
Sapnap: *taps back*
George:What are the doing?
Bad:Morse code.
Dream: *aggressively taps table*
Sapnap: *slams hand on table* YOU TAKE THAT BACK!


Tubbo: We need a distraction.
Ranboo: Is anyone good at jumping up and down, and making weird noises.
Tommy: My time has come.


Tubbo: Why are you on the floor?
Tommy: I'm depressed.
Tommy: Also I was stabbed, can you get Phil please.


Tubbo: Heres a fun Christmas idea, we hang mistletoe, but instead of kissing, you have to fight whoever is under it.
Ranboo: Tubbo no.
Tommy: Mistlefoe.
Ranboo: Please stop encouraging him.


Tubbo: how's the cutest person here~
Ranboo: I dont know how are they~
Tommy: I'm doing fine thanks.


Wilbur: What did you do with Dream's body.
Techno: What didn't I do with his body.
Wilbur: .....
Techno: That sounded a lot more sexual than I intended, I disposed of it respectfully.


Tubbo: You have to apologize to Ranboo.
Tommy: Fine.
Tommy: Unfuck you or what ever.


Tommy: Sometimes I drink milk straight out the container.
Tubbo: The cow?
Tommy: What?
Ranboo: Tubbo W H Y


Technoblade holding a python: Guys, I impulsively bought a snake, what do I name him?
Philza: You what?!
Wilbur: William Snakespeare.


George: Why did you give Dream a knife?!
Sapnap: I'm sorry, he said he felt unsafe.
George: Now I feel unsafe!
Sapnap: I'm sorry.
Sapnap: Do you want a knife?


Quackity: Sapnap, what does IDK, LY and TTYL mean?
Sapnap: I dont know, love you, talk to you later.
Quackity: Okay I'll go ask Karl, love you too.


Technoblade: I'm sick and tired of being called 'mortal' like, you dont know that. I have never died, even once. Nothing has been proven. Stop making assumptions its rude.

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