I don't know.. // 💙

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Pairing : c!emerald duo ft. Members of the Syndicate
Type : angst
Trigger Warnings : eating disorders, anorexia, body shaming, intrusive thoughts, bulimia(I think that's the right word), throwing up

I want to put a disclaimer, that I personally in the past have delt with a ed, so this is heavily based off of my own experiences.

Technoblades POV:

Technoblade stood infront of the bathroom mirror.

He hummed in frustration, looking at his pale torso.

"Did I gain weight?" He mumbled.








The pinkette pinched the fat on his stomach grumbling, when did he gain so much weight?! All he ate was an apple..

He grumbled again, slipping on his plain button down, and exciting the bathroom.

Philza's POV:

"Hey Techno!" He smiled at the young pinkette.

"Hallo!" He smiled back.

"So, I'm heading to have dinner with Niki and Ranboo, you want to come?" The older asked.

Technoblade POV:

"So, I'm heading to have dinner with Niki and Ranboo, you want to come?" Techno's old friend smiled.


He's trying to ruin you mission!

He knows..

He pitties you..






"Uhh.. actually I just ate, and y'know, I'm really... really... full."


"Oh, okay! Suit your self!" Philza smiled.

You upset him!


He was trying to stop what you really want!

The hybrid smiles, giving a week wave.

"Hey Techno!" A familiar pinkette yelled.

"Oh, hallo!" He smiled looking down at his good friend Niki.

"So I know you couldn't make it to dinner yesterday, so I saved you a cookie! I tried a new recipe, and I thought since you're my cookie test taster, you would like to try it!" She grinned.

"Oh, uh."

The short girl handed him a cookie. He examined the object.

"It's has peanut butter, chocolate chips, and white chocolate chips!" She explained watching taller pass the cookie from hand to hand.

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