First Kisses // 🧡

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Pairing-Dream and Technoblade
Triggerwarnings-kissing I guess


     Dream pressed a light kiss against Techno's lips, unsure of how he would react. He pulled away and looked into the boy he had hopelessly fallen in love with's eyes, making eye contact. He seemed to be distant, eyes widened with shock.

    Dream started to pull away from the slightly taller man in fear that he had done something wrong, but was stopped by a hand gripping the middle of his shirt pulling him closer. He looked up to see the once frozen with shock man, he was staring into his eyes.

    Techno's hands slowly made their way around Dreams waist.

    "Is this okay?" Techno asked, in a low quiet tone that sended shivers down his spine.


    Techno slowly brought his face closer to Dreams until the gap in between them was closed.

    His arms tightened around his waist, pulling him closer. Their mouths moved in sink. (I cant spell)

     It felt unreal, Dream couldn't tell if he was dreaming or not. (Ha get it dreaming)

    Techno pushed him back into the table behind him, deepening their kiss. Dream put his hands on the table for support, he could hear things falling to the ground, but they didn't care.

    Both were incredibly touch starved and in need of physical interaction, plus they were both madley in love with each other.

    They pulled away panting and gasping for air.

    "I don't regret that."

    "Me neither."


This was just to practice writing kissing scenes, how did I do?


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