Boys will be bugs // ❤

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Pairing-Technoblade and Dream
Type-Platonic Fluff / song fanfic
Trigger Warnings-none

Au- Techno and Dream are childhood friends. Dream calls Techno "Bugs" cause as a kid Techno really liked bugs.


I'm a dumb teen boy

    The energetic blonde boy ran through the farmer market, gaining a few glances from the shop owners and disapproved customers.

    He made it to the road, grabbing his fallen bike that he had carelessly dropped about twenty minutes ago. He picked it up, getting on careful not to fall.

    He started down the side walk. Entering the park a few blocks away. He dropped his bike carelessly by a tall oak tree.

    He scanned the area for his pink haired friend.

(I'm skipping the next lines because it doesn't go with the story)

I feel stupid

    His attention was brought to four boys yelling at someone.

    "Your stupid!!" The first kid yelled. He looked over to see who they were yelling at. To not much surprise they were yelling at his bestfriend, the one he was conveniently looking for.

And ugly

    "Yeah! And your ugly!" Another boy shouted.

Pretend it doesn't bother me

   Technoblade just shrugged it off as if it didn't bother him, but Dream knew different.

    The blonde boy ran up to them, he was prepared to stand up for his best friend.

I'm not very strong

   Despite being pretty weak, he had good aim.

But I'll fuck you up if your mean to bugs

    "Leave Bugs alone!" The blonde yelled.

   "Or what?" One of the boys taunted.

    Dream picked up a rock, wielding it straight at his head. Hitting him straight in the nose.

    "What the hell?!" The boy rubbed his now bloody nose. Dream picked up another rock holding up, threatening him.

    A boy in a blue shirt he hadn't really noticed grabbed the boy with the bloody noses hand, pulling him back, the others following.

Boys will be bugs

I was gonna do the whole song but I lost motivation. I really need to stop writing Techno and Dream stuff


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