I Can't Do This

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"You can't just leave her!" Iwaizumi yelled after his best friend.

"She doesn't remember me Iwa!" Oikawa yelled as he made his way out of he hospital.

"It's good to see that you're awake Miss L/n. Now do you know why you're here?" The doctor said as he was informed that you had awakened.

You stared at the walls around you and shook your head. "I don't no.."

"This is going to be a lot right now for you.." the doctr paused as he looked towards Oikawa and Iwaizumi who were now standing a corner of the hospital room.
"Two weeks ago, you were involved in a car crash. You had severe injuries and a bit of damage to your brain.."

"Okay.." You said as you glanced towards the two men in the corner.

The doctor took in a deep breathe. "As you may of already guessed..you have some amnesia..do you remember anything?"

"I-I uh..I remember my name..."

"Which is?"

"L/n Y/n."

"That's really good..do you know your birthday?"


"That's good, this is really good. Now..do you know these two gentlemen?"

You looked over to the two men the doctor was talking about and pondered for a moment. Narrowing your eyes and trying desperately to remember who they were but it was no use. nothing was coming to mind.

"That's okay.." The doctor said, then turned to Oikawa and Iwaizumi. "This is a normal thing to happen with a head injury like she has...Now..I'm almost sure that this amnesia won't be permanent and do try to take her places and tell her things that may help her regain her memory.."

"Okay." Iwaizumi was the one to speak as he knew that the man beside him was too emotional to even look at the doctor.

"Now..Miss L/n, I would like to keep you here for one more night just to monitor you and then you may go home."

"Home?" You said with furrowed brows.

"Do you know where you are?"

"Miyagi?" You asked, not fully confident with your answer.

"Well you're actually in Tokyo right now. But yes, you do live in Miyagi..That's good."


The doctor turned to Oikawa and Iwaizumi again.
"I'll be sending in a councillor here soon, so L/n here can talk to them..Now as for you two, I hope you don't mind but cases like this take time and I understand if you need some time..I will make sure the nurses look after her.."

"Thank yo-" Iwaizumi was saying but was cut off by Oikawa rushing out the door.

"Oikawa!" Iwaizumi yelled to make his friend stop in his tracks before he left through the front doors of the hospital.
"Look man, I know this can't be easy and hell, I'm a wreck too! but she needs us."

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