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"That was the last box." Oikawa said happily as he slumped onto the couch.

"The place looks good..feels like home."

"It does." He smiled as he reached his arms out to you, indicating for you to come over to him.
Once you did he wrapped his arms around your waist and pulled you down to his lap.
"I have to go for volleyball practice today."


"In an hour.."

"That's good..You know you didn't have to take off all that time to just be with me."

Oikawa hummed as he kissed the side of your forehead.
"I know baby. But you needed me and I wasn't gonna leave you. You can't get rid of me that easily."

You smiled.
"You better go get ready then."

"One more minute." He said as he nudged his head into your neck. Giving you small kisses every now and then.

"Is Iwaizumi going?"

"No. Not today at least . Why? You want him to come over so you're not alone?"

You shook your head. "No..I was just curious."

"What will you do while I'm gone?"

You took in a deep breath. "I'm gonna take a drive to my work.."

"You're gonna go back?"

"No..I'm gonna quit."

Oikawa widened his eyes.
"I'm proud of you. What will you do?"

"I think I'm gonna go to college.."

"College..That's something you haven't talked about in long time."

You shrugged. "It was a touchy subject at first, but I thinkI'm ready now."

Oikawa smiled as he stared at your features.
"I will help you anyway I can okay?"

"Thank you Toru."

"I love you."

"I love you." You smiled to him. "Now, time for you to get to practice."

"I'll call a teammate to pick me up, so you can have the car okay?"


And with that Oikawa left to get a few things before heading out the door to leave for his volleyball practice.

You waited a few minutes before heading out the door yourself.
Starting up the car you took a deep breath before pulling out of your new driveway.
You also muted your phone before setting foot into the vehicle. Not wanting history to repeat it's self.

On your drive you wondered what it'd be lie to attend college. Would you like it? Would you make a new friend? Was this the best idea?

Then you smiled as you remembered the week before graduation in your third year of high school.
That was the hardest week you had to endure.



"Yeah..I'm going for training.."

"Brazil is far.." You said absent minded.

"I know but it would only be for the summer..I will come back to Japan as soon as the training is done."

"I know Toru. I trust you and i hate myself for even thinking about asking you to stay..."

"That's a normal girlfriend thing to think."

Lost Memories. (OikawaXreader) Where stories live. Discover now