A Sad Memory

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Iwaizumi had left that night after the three of you looked through the very photo albums that you had put together these past years.
Unfortunately looking at these photos had not jogged your memory in anyway and it ended up being a lost cause. but it was still nice to visit the photos again. Especially for Oikawa whose smile wouldn't go away with every turn of a page.

When it was time for bed, Oikawa had given you the bed while he took the couch since he didn't want to make you feel uncomfortable with sharing the same bed.
You felt bad that he was sleeping on the couch but he wouldn't let you give up the bed to him.

The night had been sleepless and once again you found yourself wide awake, living in your thoughts.

Many questions had been raised and you made a mental note to ask Oikawa in the morning.
One being your parents.
You were confused as to why you didn't see them in the hospital or why Oikawa hasn't talked about them in anyway.

Another thought was, what if you didn't regain your memories? Would Oikawa still stand by your side and help you? Or would he leave because you weren't the same girl he fell in love with.

There were too many things to think about and not enough patience to deal with them, so out of old habit, you went to the kitchen to make a nice hot cup of tea.
Not even realizing that it was a muscle memory kind of thing.
You knew that somewhere, tea was to help you sleep, but there's no memory tied to the reason why, or how you came to find that out.
You just followed your gut instincts.

When the sun had finally raised, you were already sitting at the kitchen table with your knees pulled to your chest.
Unfortunately the tea had not worked with making you tired and instead you stared at the moon all night through the giant glass window and watched the sky till it turned into purple and blue hues, letting everyone know that dawn had approached.

You noticed that the sun was beating down on Oikawa's face and only could assume that he would wake up soon due to the bright light.
And you were right.

Oikawa fluttered his eyes open and when he got a feeling that someone was watching him, he looked over your way and gave you a small, tired smile.
He sat up and gave out a good stretch.
"You're up early." He said in a deep and groggy voice.

You looked away from him.
Running a finger around the empty cup of tea.
"I didn't sleep actually..."

"You sat there all night?"

"I'm sorry...it's just I went to make a tea to help me sleep, but when I saw the amazing view of the moon from that window, I kinda got lost and well..now it's morning."

Oikawa eyed you for a moment.
"It's funny because this isn't the first time you've done this before.."

You raised an eyebrow. "It's not?"

Oikawa nodded his head slowing, letting out a loud yawn.
"You actually picked this very apartment out for this window, because you loved to stare out the window and watch the sky, whether it was day or night. You could get lost in the scenery no matter the time of day."

"Makes sense...I guess.."

"What's on your mind?"

You took in a deep breath. "I know you just woke up and you probably want to wake up a little but..there's just been this one question I've had stuck in my head all night."

"Which is?"

You waited for a moment, feeling hesitant to ask.
"Where's my parents?"

You watched Oikawa's face turn sad as he looked away from you.
"You don't have them Y/n..."

You furrowed your brows.
"What do you mean I don't have them? Everyone had parents.."

"Not the ones who were put into a group home at a young age after their parents passed..." Oikawa spoke in a soft like tone, refusing to make eye contact.
He knew this question would arise and he dreaded the time that it did.

"Passed? Group home?"

Oikawa nodded.
"You were in your last year of middle school..."


"I'm sorry but there was nothing that could of been done. The fire was too much and we only were able to save the little girl." A firefighter told a lady in a grey suit.

"And there's no family in the area or country? Anyone that she has to go to?" A lady with casual clothes and their hair tied up into a neat bun.

"I already looked into that actually. Turns out her grandparents passed away not too long ago and both parents were only children, so no extended family." The lady in the suit told the other lady.

"I see.." The lady with casual clothes looked to you. "My name is Yuma, I'm someone who takes in children that lost or were put up for adoption and give them a home. What's your name?"

"L/n Y/n..I'm a third year in middle school.."

"What's your school?"

"Kitagawa Daiichi.."

"I see, and would you like to stay in that school L/n?"

You nodded. "I would yes."

The lady that you found was named Yuma, kneeled down in front of you.
"Now I know how hard this is to understand and I know you must be broken right now young L/n..but I was wondering if you would like to come live with me? I have three other children that are about your age except one who is in their third year of high school...I would really like if you could come."

You admired the facial features of the woman in front of you.

"If I were to decline, would I be put into foster care?"

"Yes." The lady in the suit said.

"And if I were to agree to come with you, could I continue to attend my school? And still attend the high school I got accepted into already?"

"Of course, what school?" Yuma asked.

"Aoba Johsai ma'am."

Yuma smiled. "You must be a smart girl to get into a very nice school like that, but the answer to your question is yes. Yes I would make sure that you could still attend both schools."

"Then I'll go wth you." You felt a tear fall down your cheek, to which Yuma had wiped away with her thumb.

"Let's go home then." She smiled as she offered a hand to stand up from the hospital bed.

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