I Remeber

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"I've got a couple of stories, but this on has to be by far is my favourite."


"Yuma! I said that Oikawa wasn't invited!"

"Ouch y/n-chan that hurts you know!"

"I barley punched you! You're just a weakling."

"Yeah she's not wrong there.."


"Okay guys that's enough, now dinner will be ready soon. And Y/n..stop hitting Toru." Yuma had finally come in to your room at her house and put a stop to the fighting.

You were sitting on your bed with Oikawa and Iwaizumi was in your desk chair with his arms crossed an smile on his face.

"I told you she would get mad loserKawa." Iwaizumi scoffed.

"I didn't think she'd be that mad Iwa-Chan."

"You literally asked her if you could kiss her so she wouldn't feel bad going into high school with not having her first kiss."

You hummed in agreement with Iwaizumi.
"You know Oikawa, not having your first kiss before high school isn't a crime and it shouldn't be a mandatory thing!"
You threw another punch to his arm but this time with a bit more force than the last one.

"Ow! Okay! Okay!"

You kept punching his arm till he finally stood up.
"Okay fine! I'm sorry okay! But..I guess I was right..you are square."

"Oikawa!!!" You gritted your teeth.

This time it was Iwaizumi who had hit Oikawa over the head.

"That's what you get! Now stop picking on her okay!"

Oikawa let out a huff before Yuma came back inside the room.
Little did the three of your know, she heard the whole thing play out since your room wasn't far from the kitchen.
"Dinner is ready kids, go wash your hands and come to the kitchen."

The three on you nodded and headed for the bathroom.

At the time, there were four others living in he house that you were staying in.
Two girls and two boys. The girls being the youngest at eight and five years old.
The two boys, eleven and fifteen.

As the three of you went into the dinning room, you took your usual seats.
It wasn't a surprise to the other members of the house that Oikawa and Iwaizumi were there. They always came over for dinner on Sundays.

As dinner was served ad everyone as eating happily and taking amongst themselves, Oikawa thought it'd be funny t play a trick on you.
Since he was on your left and Iwaizumi on your right, he knew he was safe from Iwaizumi's attack.

Oikawa took a spoonful of his curry and lifted it to his nose.
"Say? Y/n-chan? Does this smell okay to you?"

You turned to him and didn't think anything of it till it was too late.
You went to take a sniff but then the spoon was shoved right onto your nose, making your eyes immediately water form the spice.

"Oikawa!' You exclaimed as you grabbed a napkin.

"Can't you just leave her alone for one day?' Iwaizumi said as he handed you his napkin.

Oikawa shrugged with a smile.
all the other members of the family were smiling and laughing at the two of you, even Yuma.

Once you were done cleaning your nose and wiping away your tears, you turned to Oikawa, ready to get revenge.

"Say? You really want to be my first kiss?"

Oikawa smirked. "I mean..I am the best option don't you think?"

You smirked back, leaning more into him till the two of you were inches apart.
The whole family was silent, waiting to see what would happen next, even Iwaizumi.

You let out a breath that tickled Oikawa's lips.
"Sorry desperanteKawa, But, I have to disagree there." You then turned fast and grabbed Iwaizumi's face and planted a soft yet fast kiss onto his lips, leaving everyone in shock.

"Y/N!" Oikawa exclaimed.

When you pulled away from Iwaizumi, both of your faces were bright red.
"Sorry Iwa..But-'"

Iwaizumi shrugged you off. "I get it, I would of done the same thing..kinda looks good on the guy, I mean look at him."

You looked back to Oikawa who was sulking into his food.
His bottom lip hanging out.

You leaned into his ear.
"Serves you right, now if you would've asked a bit more nicely and less like a douche, then I would of let you have my first kiss."


"Wow..I-I really did that?"

"You did." Yuma laughed.
"But what I like about that story so much is I knew that Toru had a thing for you, I could see it. Every time he came over, there was this gleam about him when he was around you, and you never noticed these small things but, he'd always shook your a side glance at the dinner table and smile."

You felt your cheek become a bit heated.
"I wish I could remember that memory..That one seems like it was fun.."

"It was quite a night."

You gave Yuma a smile.
"Thank you again for coming Yuma, are you hungr? I can make something to eat?"

Yuma shook her head. "Another time dear, but for now, I better get going." She said as she stood up from her chair.
"Also, I can only imagine how painful this must be for you, but I want you to know that I'm just a phone call away okay? Oh and don't feel pressured to talk to Toru, I'm sure that you don't feel the same connection as before but..." She paused. "If I were you, I would follow what my heart told me."

You hummed in a agreement.
"Thank you Yuma."

"You take care of yourself Y/n, and..well..I love you."

You eyes widened and your vision went blurry from the tears now forming.

"I love you Y/n."

"Yuma...I-I...Oh gosh..I remember you."

WAMP WAMP..ahh how we feeling? I'm sorry for the cliffhanger after not updating for 3 days..I'm sorry!! but I promise that more updates will be coming soon!❤️

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