Chapter 1

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Chapter 1


"Sorry! Excuse me!" You yelled, running down the dirty crowded streets of New York City to get to your next boring class. People blocked your way as seconds counted down till your teacher would start his lecture on genetics. Finally making a left turn, hopping over a bush with prickling sticks poking out, and sprinting as your life depended on it, you reached the front door of your college, New York University.

The front of the building had pillars in the shape of a colosseum with multiple levels of glass windows. Walking through the rotating doors, the cold-conditioned air hit your face and traveled outside. You saw people scrambling to get to their next class just like you were. Sprinting as fast as you possibly could without leaving your legs behind, rows of stairs passed by you. Turning left and speed walking down the hallway, you approached the door on the right. Opening it slowly you saw rows of seats filled with the professor already talking.

Professor Smith's head turned from writing on the whiteboard to dead at you. "Miss Y/N, you're late," he shouted from the front of the class. He took off his glasses to make sure you knew where his eyes were. 

"I know and I'm sorry. It won't happen again." you replied, embarrassed. He nodded and wrote down your attendance. It wasn't common for most college teachers to take attendance but Mr. Smith was picky about his students being involved in his class. You were sadly late a lot and that's why he knew your name so well.

Taking a seat next to your best friend and also roommate, Sarah, you punched her arm. She whimpered loudly and shifted away from you. "Why didn't you wake me up?" you muttered.

"I don't wake you up anymore because the last time I did, you punched me in the stomach because you didn't want to get up" she whispered back with a more harsh annoyed tone.

"Whatever" you responded, pulling out your English Literature textbook from your bag. English Literature was your major because you wanted to become a writer so badly. You weren't exactly sure whether you wanted to be a book writer or an article type journalist but you knew you belonged somewhere in that arena.

Sarah was just taking this class just to pass her Bachelor's Degree so that she could eventually get her Juris Doctor Degree and start working as a lawyer.

She talked about before maybe going farther than that to get her Master or Laws and maybe eventually her Doctorate of Juridical Science but she wanted to stick to small goals first. Her actual major was Sociology. You on the other hand only had to have your Bachelor's Degree but that didn't mean you wouldn't eventually maybe get your Master's Degree.

"Hey" Sarah spoke into your ear with a mischievous smile on her face. "I'm going out to eat tonight. Do you want to come?" Without looking at her, you nodded in response typing down notes on your computer. You so desperately needed a new computer but between college finances and regular bills, it just wasn't in your cards at the moment.

Over and over again Sarah would try to persuade you to find a sugar daddy but you refused to. It wasn't a lie that it did sometimes cross your mind, but it was only at your toughest times. At the end of college, you wanted to be able to say that you accomplished that long journey without anyone's help, well except your parents and financial aid. So far you were already 100,000 dollars in debt, but thankfully you were in your fourth year. Your parents did have that kind of money but they wanted you to be as financially independent as you could be and sadly you already used all the financial aid that you could get. The only thing really keeping you on your feet was your job as a model for big fashion companies. Modeling wasn't your dream job and you didn't plan to do it for the rest of your life but it paid the bills and some of your other expenses, barely. 

No Strings Attached - Kylo Ren AUWhere stories live. Discover now