Chapter 14

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Chapter 14: No Strings Attached

After your birthday party, you said goodbye to all of your family, and Kylo took you back to his penthouse. The drive was a little awkward because you didn't know what to say, and neither did he. You wanted to say thank you for him trying to be pleasant around your parents but fear kept your mouth shut. You weren't sure how he would react, he could get mad, he could not say anything, you hoped that it would make him smile, but in reality that wasn't going to happen.

He held your hand the entire way up to the penthouse, something that he never did. As much as you wanted to think that maybe the two of you were getting closer, deep down you knew that he was just treating you like this because it was your birthday. Tomorrow you would get a whole different side of him, but you didn't want to think about that, so you could cherish the moments you had with him now.

Once Kylo opened the door for you, your eyes lit up at the gifts all around the living room waiting for you. "Kylo, you didn't have to." you said, looking back at him.

He shrugged. "You get a birthday once a year, so I must make it as special as I can."

You smiled at him trying. Him actually trying. It wasn't the biggest thing, but he was putting effort into making your birthday special for you. How many people would he do that for?

"So," you started. "Should I open these now, or did you have something else planned for my birthday?" You turned around, looking Kylo in the eye, biting your lip and crossing your legs together.

He slowly walked towards you, one step at a time, keeping eye contact the whole way through. You looked down at his body, so close to yours. Kylo lifted your chin up with one finger so that you were forced to look directly into his eyes. "I thought you would want to wait until we got to that part, but believe me when I say," he moved his mouth right next to your ear. You could feel his heavy breathing against your neck. "I'm ready whenever you are."

Your heart skipped a beat as you gasped for air. "I'm ready, I'm ready for whatever you want to do to me." you said back, trying to steady your breaths so he didn't realize how flustered you actually were.

Carefully, Kylo walked behind you. You could feel the zipper of your dress slowly come down till it eventually fell off. He unclipped your bra and slowly slid them down your arms, until your breasts were fully exposed to the cool air in the room. A shiver went down your spine due to the temperature. You felt his hands slide down your waist and eventually to your hips. He hooked his fingers into your panties, and slid them down your thighs till they dropped on the floor. You stepped out of them and waited for his next move.

Kylo moved in front of you, and pushed the hair out of your face. Quickly, he picked you up so that your legs were wrapped around his waist. With your eyes locked, he walked up the stairs towards his bedroom. Your eyes didn't leave his for a second, occasionally there was a blink between one of you, but the stare stayed. He laid you on the bed, holding your head so that you didn't get hurt.

He lifted the top part of his body up and stared down at you, like a predator salivating over his prey. Without breaking eye contact, he took off his button down and pants so that it was just him in his boxers. Starting from your forehead, he kissed down your body. The hot breath could be felt on your neck, your breasts, your stomach, your thighs and down your legs.

No Strings Attached - Kylo Ren AUWhere stories live. Discover now