Chapter 13

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Hi everyone! This chapter is purely for everyone to get to know the characters better.

Chapter 13: No Strings Attached


I'm from Palo Alto, California, in the Bay Area. It's a cold but beautiful place. I loved my childhood, I went to good schools, had a loving family, had close friends, did well in school, loved the sport I played. I couldn't complain about my childhood. Rey and I were always close, we did everything together. We would walk to school together, play soccer and tennis together, go to parties together. I felt very lucky to have a sister that I actually got along with, knowing the stereotype from the movies.

Henry and I were different, he was always the odd one out. He never really talked to Rey or I. I always saw my father yelling at him and my mother trying to get my father to stop but Rey and I never really bothered trying to figure out what was going on, so we wouldn't get in trouble. He played football a lot, and got really good before he got an injury. It was right before college too, he fractured his ankle and that was the end of his career. He was truly heartbroken, and ever since then, he's been very abusive. Verbally and physically.

My parents had to pay thousands of dollars to fix the holes in the walls he would punch when he would get angry. A lot of the time he would get aggressive towards me and Rey when we would try to talk to him. Eventually we gave up and accepted that he was always going to be like this. My parents paid thousands of dollars for him to go to therapy to see if that helped, but it didn't. He had been rejected from multiple therapists for verbally abusing them. There was this one time I'll never forget when he fought my father. It got so bad the police showed up but he wasn't put into jail because he was a minor and my father didn't press charges. Ever since that day, he's been the outcast of the family.

My mother and I had a good relationship, she was always very supportive of me and what I loved. She worked a lot but still maintained a close relationship with me and Rey. My father worked a lot too, but did his best to be involved. My mother worked for the government and my father owned his own fishing company, which was very successful in the Bay Area. I try my best to visit my family as much as possible, although it gets hard since they're on the other side of the country.

Sarah Gonzalez:

I was born in California, specifically Southern California. I was fortunate enough to live right by the beach but I hate the beach. I still do hate the beach. My sister on the other hand loves the beach, it's all she ever did. Everyday after school she would put on her swimsuit and go out surfing. On the other hand, I just wanted a job that would pay well and that was in New York. All I ever wanted to do was live in New York. So when I found out that some of the highest paying lawyers live in New York, I knew that I needed to get that career started. My sister on the other hand always wanted to move back to Spain, where my parents are from. I used to spend all my summers in Spain with my family, not just my intimate family but extended family as well. My sister moved there for college and hasn't lived anywhere since.

My sister's name is Jessica, she's everything I want to be and everything I don't want to be. She's a couple of inches shorter than me, I'm 5'10 and she's 5'7. My whole childhood I wanted to be her height. She's tall but can still get a date. It took me a long time to finally be comfortable with my height, she knew that but despite everything she still manages to make fun of me for it.

No Strings Attached - Kylo Ren AUWhere stories live. Discover now