Chapter 16

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Chapter 16: No Strings Attached

Josh took you back to your apartment after Kylo left. Once you got there, you couldn't smell anything, you couldn't see any evidence of the death left behind. It was like nothing had happened, and it was the same old apartment that you were living in before Kylo came into your life. The only thing that was missing was Sarah.

That made you start to worry about money. Now that Kylo was gone you'd have to get all your old modeling jobs back and probably another full-time one as well. Not to mention that you were already so behind in your schoolwork. You were on your bed, thinking about how you would recover financially when your doorbell rang.

It was an instant reaction to flinch and be worried about who was at the door. You wondered if something were to happen, would Kylo come save you again? Slowly, you walked over to the door to see who it was through the peephole. Your adrenaline rush went down once you saw that it was Sarah. You opened the door relieved that you were okay.

"Hi, how are you doing?" she asked, stepping into the apartment.

"What do you think? I've been almost killed for the millionth time. I lost the man I love and now I don't know how I will afford rent. I'm so behind in school and I just feel like I've lost everything."

"Are you telling me that in a way Kylo was your everything?" Sarah smirked. 

You looked at her with a death stare. "Not helpful and no, I'm not saying that. I'm saying that before him everything was fine, I was doing fine, and now after him I feel broken, I'm in constant fear all the time and it feels like I don't know how to live anymore."

"You do, I know reality doesn't seem real anymore but I'm here to remind you that you're still the same girl that you were before him."

"But I'm not, not even close. I don't think the same, I've lost so much innocence."

"I know what it feels like. I was in your position once, with Armitage. I had to go through the same things too and I can promise you it does get better."

"But you had Armitage to support you, he loved and stuck with you. Kylo will never love me the way I love him and he sure as hell isn't planning on sticking around for me."

"You don't know that."

"What do you mean?"

"You don't know that he doesn't care about you."

"He sure as hell doesn't show it." 

"In all my time of knowing Kylo, he has never been the type of person to talk about his emotions. He barely even talks to Armitage and they've worked together for over a decade. I'm just saying, there's a possibility that he does love you and just doesn't show it."

"How would you even get the sense that he does?"

No Strings Attached - Kylo Ren AUWhere stories live. Discover now