*LOTR Reference*

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after my run in with Josuke I can't risk to take any chances

Killer Queen has to stay suppressed no matter what

that means I can't use him to help me improve my grade in Phys ed...

and that I'm going to have to suffer his incessant comments inside of my head...

KQ:"Well fudge you too!"

While walking through the hallways I hear quite a bit of gossip at how Kira's following has begun to be more vocal in rallying behind my-- Kira's Extreme methods

according to a few sources they managed to find out I was behind the Deaths of those three Criminals last night

well... I was only really responsible for ones death the other one was killed by Toga is a depressive state and I simply faked that closeted homosexual Kurisu's death

but they found the explosion Residue in the crime scenes, Kira's signature

and they ran some forensics on Kurisu's blood and just assume he died.

and while before Kira-Following was pretty uncommon, only really taken up by those who firsthand were benefited from his work

but with Hero society Crumbling faster than Parliament chose to Hang Louis Riel and with Citizen taking matters into their own hands many have bought into my supposed ideals

they think I'm some sort of second coming of Stain, someone who isn't held back by the Hero system and eliminates threats once and for all

but if I'm being Honest.... most of that came out of sheer boredom

but if they think me cleaning up the streets a little is some sort of statement towards "the man" than who am I to deny them a catalyst.

just as I suspected I do notice Josuke keeping an eye on me occasionally

he probably doesn't think I'm Killer Queen's user

but if I didn't have anything to Hide I would probably have mentioned I can see Crazy diamond earlier and told him of my stand.

and knowing how forgiving he is on top of that attention span of a Jack Russel of his he'll probably forget all of this tomorrow as long as I don't give him anymore evidence that I may be a stand user

which involves having to face down Crazy Diamond trying to punk me a few more times.

by the end of school I have no doubt that Josuke has given up on me and will return to his usual--

I look down to see Crazy Diamond is putting its leg out

if I avoid it or step over Josuke will know I can see it

so I continue to walk as if I don't see it and am tripped

I fall over and skin my elbow and slam my face into the concrete breaking my nose

Josuke rushes over asking if I'm fine

and it takes everything in my power not to have killer queen knock his block off

he hastily heals me up repairing my face and apologizes which was either unintentional or one last test to see if I knew it was Josuke's fault

so I respond in confusion, pretending to not know it was his fault I fell.

Josuke:"Oh yeah, I guess you can't se-- never mind.... Have a great evening Hayato!"

he rushes off waving goodbye and smiling

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