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Hayato:"What're you doing here Dad?"

Yoshikagi:"I'm just here to Talk to your Mother..."

Hayato:"Y'know I won't just let you in to Murder Mom..."

Yoshikagi:"Oh God No! I'm not going to Kill Shinobu, I'm a Serial Killer, but even I draw the line at killing a Pregnant Woman, nonetheless the Mother of my own Child. We're just here to Kill Diego..."


suddenly a Dark Figure I had Originally Thought was a Tree or something Reveals himself in the Light.

a Muscular Youthful man with Golden Blond Hair

Yoshikagi:"You Might not remember him, but this is my Cellmate, he helped me escape."

I notice Blood and rip Marks in his Prison get up

he must have gotten in some fight Recently

yet he looks completely uninjured

"My Son Betrayed me... Left me in Prison for Months, then Knocked up some Suburban Mother?! not on my Watch, I'm going to bring about the 2nd Extinction of the Dinosaurs!"

his Voice, it's the same as the Old man in the Prison

Dario Brando, my Fathers Cellmate

in this state I'd say he's about a 9.5/10

it was merely a Theory Before, but Now I know for a fact he's Danny Brando's Father

the Commotion does wake up Mom and Diego

that's when I realize something....

Diego Can't Properly Fight back

his ankle bracelet will Shock him if he tries to use his Quirk

Completely Helpless

Dario Shoves me out of the way entering the house


Dario:"aw, not Happy to see your Father? How's about you give Daddy a HUG!"

his Nails Grow to Knife edge in a second

welp... it was nice to have a Step-dad while it lasted....

"St-Stop r-Right th-th-THERE!"

everyone turns to confusion to see a Boy in a Purple Sweater standing in the entryway

Yoshikagi:"what the Heck? It's a Pink Midget."

"M-My n-Name is D-Dillan Volto... M-My friends call m-me D-Dopey. N-Now... I-I won't let you just Hur-Hurt these N-Nice people."

Shoot... Dillan's going to get himself Killed, or get someone else killed... probably both

his stand appears beside him Rubbing it's non-existent Nose

KC:"Dopey Oh, Dopey Oh, You need to be more Confident in your Proclamations... like "My Name is Dillan Volto! My Friends Call me Dopey! But you can Call me Your Worse Nightmare if you Like. now Prepare to Perish!" that Kind of thing..."

Dillan:"Yeah... what he said..."

I face palm as Nobody but Dillan and I can hear what his stands say... or even see them

his sheer Stupidity seems to finally make me snap

Hayato:"Nobody can hear Your Stand you Idiot!"

Dillan:"Oh? Meow, You Live Here?"

Hayato:"Yes... *sigh* I do..."

Dario:"I Don't care who you are, Whelp! You interrupted some Father-son Bonding, For that... YOU MUST DIE!"

Dario Lunges at Dillan Taking a swipe

Blood is spilled

but not Dillan's

Dario Coughs up Blood as King Crimson's arm is Impaled through his Chest

Dario:"Ba-Bakana... Kono Dario Da!"

Dillan:"Oh God! S-Sorry about that Sir... I saw what you were about to do and King Crimson just Skipped Time to attack..."

My Father has just been standing back this whole time absolutely Shellshocked

I mean your Cellmate being Donuted by Nothing would be Shocking

Dario:"No... another one? Th-This is how it ends?... Pathetic....."

his eyes go Blank... Dead

Dillan:"Crud... there goes another on--"

Suddenly Dario's hand swipes at Dillan Forcing King Crimson to Pull out and block the attack

Dario Pushes himself away from Dillan Swiping at a Tree Grabbing an Owl Healing himself with it's blood

he Throws the Husk at Dillan and Dashes toward Diego again

he rushes Past me as I get a Cold feeling

the Man attempts to end Diego

but yet again he Coughs up Blood

I look over to see somehow Killer Queen Manifested and Swung a Kick to Dario's Stomach before dispersing again

it must be a Defence reaction

but why did it activate when Diego was in Danger?



that can't be....

I don't care about him....

Dario Is blasted back

"Mother... FUDGER! you said the Kid was Quirkless, Yoshikagi!"

Yoshikagi:"He is!"

Dario:"Hmph, only one way to make sure...."

he approaches me

Yoshikagi:"Dario! you said you were only going to Kill Diego! Leave my Family alone!"

Dario:"Don't worry.... I won't kill him, just going to Rough him up a bit, if I'm right His thing will stop me... if i'm wrong... oh well!"

Dario Lunges at me Throwing a punch

Moments away from Killer Queen being summoned

but with a Dubstep sound... he stops

a Moment of Silence fills the House

Dario's Fist is Suspended in the air

or at least that's what most People see

but Dillan and I see the Truth of what's holding him Back

The Hands of both a Golden Armoured Figure and a Purple Being Hold Dario Back

Stand arms... ones I know far too well

Star Platinum and The World

Taro Jokustar and Danny Brando




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