Your Call

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Hi guys!

Before I can finish my chapter I need to know who you guys would prefer:

1. Eren

2. Levi


3. Horseface

... *Bursts out laughing* Just kidding about number three! Who would want horseface in a Levi x Reader x Eren?! 

Anyway, Levi or Eren? I'm not saying it's permanent! I'm just saying... I need one of them!

Levi: Tch, it's obvious they will pick me!

Me: Levi?! I told you to shut up and not talk! Don't make me use this! *Pulls out a scythe*

Eren: Hanna! Take it easy! You can't kill him, what would happen to this fanfiction?!

Me: Eren! Don't say my name! And you have a point... *Ties Levi to a chair and tapes his mouth* Now stay here like a good midget and shut up. Ok?

Levi: *Nods*

Me: Good... So make your choice, either in the comments or message me. Once I see who wins I can continue writing and finish the chapter. So get to the voting!

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