Chapter 13 TBE

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-Time skip, 1 month-

I woke up and groaned as the sunrays hit my face. I sat up in my bed and yawned a little bit, rubbing my eyes tiredly. It was way too early in the morning for me... I shrugged off the tiredness (Is that a word?) and got out of bed, getting dressed and putting up my hair in a ponytail. After I take one last look in the mirror I get out of my room and walk towards the dining hall. It was unusually quiet and it was bugging me. People were usually crowded in the halls at this hour. Suspicious...

Once I got to the dining hall I entered and sighed in relief as the big room was full of people. I quickly walked over to my friends (you know who they are) and sat down in Eren's lap. "What's up?" I asked, taking a sip of Eren's drink. "Not much, listening to Jean neighing." Sasha stated and propped her mouth full of potatoes, don't ask me where she got them, I dunno. "Hey! Quit it with the horse jokes already!" "Keep dreaming horseface." Jean quieted down and glared at nothing, making everyone at our table laugh at him. "So, f/n, got any plans later tonight?" Eren asked, hugging me. I shook my head and shrugged. "Why?" "Nothing." "Eren wants to fu-" "Ok, shut up Jean!" One second Jean was sitting on the chair and in the next he was on the floor with a bump on the back of his head. "What the hell f/n?!" "Serves you right you bastard!" What? Jean should know better than to piss me off in the morning. Oh, look at that, Levi's coming over here. Hurray... Note the sarcasm. Levi and I had a... Let's call it a disagreement. Anyway, in the end, Levi told me to f-off and won't even look at me. And if he wants to behave like a baby, that's fine by me. "What's going on here brats?" "Nothing corporal... We're just messing around..." Jean mumbled as he stood up from the floor. "Well then stop messing around." Clenched my fist and sat down again, watching Levi walk back towards his table where his "girlfriend" waited for him.

The rest of my friends seemed to notice my discomfort so Sasha spoke up. "Alright guys, we all knew this dreaded day would come. Especially you f/n, you can't avoid this." I looked at her and frowned. She couldn't know right? "You have no say in the matter." Where is she going with this? "We will be celebrating your birthday tonight!" I stare at Sasha with wide eyes. "Don't you remember what happened last time you guys celebrated a birthday?" Connie started laughing and nodded. "Sure, we remember, I've never seen Jean that embarrassed in my entire life!" "That's because you guys gave me condoms. Right in front of Shadis too!" By now everyone (In our group) was laughing, including me, and Jean was as red as a tomato. "It's not funny!" "It is funny!" Reiner laughed and patted Jeans back. "And now you can get your revenge on f/n." Jean muttered something in response but we couldn't hear it. Whelp... Birthdays are fun, right? Right?!

Soooooo sorry for the lack of updating, and for the short chapter. *Dodges various items thrown at me* Hey! I said I was sorry! But, now that summer break has started I can finally start writing A LOT more. So look forward to the next chapters. See 'ya later fools!

~Queen of the castle

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 25, 2021 ⏰

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