Chapter 10 TBE

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I took a couple of deep breaths... My old house had been abandoned all this time? Let's just hope it's not someone dangerous... No, let's not think like that, I can take care of myself! I opened the door and entered. "Hello? Creepy stalker-guy!?" I yelled out into the house. I look all over the floor and walls for a sign of someone. I found a note on the wall that said: Your room

I started walking up the stairs and slowly walked through the hallway. When I arrived at my door I silently pulled out the knife I had brought. I'm not stupid enough to go without protection! Well, except for in bed...

Moving on...

I opened the door and slowly walked in. As I closed the door I felt something, like a rag, on my mouth. I tried moving away, but a pair of arms grabbed my hands. I tried stabbing whoever was behind me, but I started to fade away. Shit... I thought to myself. Someone takes the knife I brought and unrolls my sleeve. The hell? I slowly start to fade as I feel a stinging pain in my arm

"F/n! F/n wake up!" I tried opening my eyes but I stopped when I was blinded by the light. "What happened? Levi, Eren is that you?" I asked. "Yeah, we're here. Don't worry." Eren assured me. "That son of a bitch..." Levi muttered as he bandaged up my left arm. "Why are you doing that?" I looked at him and he looked at Eren, who shook his head. "Nothing." "Levi, tell me!" I had a stern tone but he ignored me. "Eren?" I looked at him but he kept quiet. I noticed the bandage had red spots on some places and I started to panic. I ripped of the bandage and the tears started swelling up in my eyes.

In thick, deep cuts that would definitely leave scars, it said: MY DAD'S A MONSTER. "What the hell?" I felt the tears dripping down my cheek. Eren hugged me and I just sat there. He had actually cut me, deep. Both mentally and physically. I'll kill him for this... "Why would he do this...?" I said with a shaky voice. Eren shrugged and hugged me tighter. Levi started to wrap my arm in bandages again and I leaned against Eren. "It's obviously personal, maybe Erwin knows?" Levi looked at us and I nod. "R-Right..."

"Erwin." Levi said and walked into Erwin's office with an arm around me. "So she made up her mind about you huh?" "What, no, I didn't!" "Then what is it?" "Did Ren ever do anything to be considered a monster?" Levi asked him and held me tighter. "Why?" I sighed and rolled up my sleeve. Erwin's eyes grew wide and he stood up. "I cannot believe the kid was serious..." Levi looked at Erwin. "What?" "When we were outside the walls one time, Ren had a member in his squad that went crazy. Ren had to put him down and his son swore to kill everything that Ren loved. We never took it seriously but we always remembered it." I was in shock. "Who was it?" "His name was Jake Storm." I almost stopped breathing. "Wait, Jake?!" "You know him?" "He's my best friend's older brother!" I rolled down my sleeve again. "Is he a scout?" Levi looked at me. "No... I think he joined the military police with Annie and his brother Ryan..." Levi sighed. "Fine, we'll talk to his superiors..." "B-But what if someone's trying to frame him...?" I asked. I don't want it to be Ryan or Jake. We were really close, they were like the best friends across the street I never had! "Who else would know about it?" I looked at Erwin and frowned. "Great, he has a family that wants to kill you. Just great..." "Not again..." I sighed and looked down. "Again?" "Long story." I sighed again. Ryan wouldn't do this... He's so nice and caring. His brother however...

"Thank you Erwin. I'll go talk to Eren about this..." I turned around and walked out of the room.

A/N: Sorry I haven't updated in like a month, I don't know how to continue this story so this chapter is a lot shorter than the others. Please don't kill me! Also these past days I've had problems with getting nosebleeds randomly so I haven't been able to write alot...
Anyway... I've been thinking... Levi has been trying to kill me since I wanted to make a "smexy" chapter with Eren as well so I've had to have some other anime characters protect me...

Levi: Hey brat! Don't you dare let f/n sleep with Eren!
Me: H-Hi Levi... *Hides behind Itachi (From Naruto in case you didn't know)*
Levi: *Glares and holds you tightly*
You: L-Levi... Can't breathe...

Right! Anyway... Itachi stay here, I don't know if Levi's still gonna kill me. Sorry for the slow update and I hope you enjoyed this horrible and short chapter!

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