Chapter 7 TBE

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"What are you doing?" "What does it look like?" Levi kissed me again and this time I kissed him back. I slightly parted my lips and he slipped his tongue inside my mouth. I moaned into the kiss and Levi smirked. He broke the kiss and pushed me up against a tree. "Levi, we shouldn't be doing this" I reminded him. He looked at me and shook his head. "So, the brat won't find out" "Don't get upset if Eren thinks the sa-" I was cut off by another kiss from Levi. I kissed back and wrapped my arms around his neck. 'Why do I have to be short as well?' I thought to myself. He trailed kisses down my neck and I may or may not have let out a moan.  "Levi, the others will notice..." he simply continued ignoring my statement. I decided to tease him and grinded my knee against his crotch. Levi let out a quiet moan and I smirked back at him. "You brat" "Guys, time's up!" we heard Connie yell. Levi looked back up at me and leaned closer to my face. "Time flies by fast when you're having fun" Levi whispered into my ear before licking it and biting my earlobe. I gasped and looked at Levi who started walking back. "You coming?" "I'll be right there" I said and waved him off. When he was a bit further away I looked around. "Hanji, Erwin, I know you're there, I could hear Hanji breath like a dog..." I sighed and looked around. I noticed a slight movement in the bushes. Once again I sighed and picked up a stick from the ground. I looked at it, then the bush. 'This will be fun' I threw the stick at the bush. "Ouch!" I heard Hanji yell. "Oh, hello shipping master..." she said awkwardly and stood up. Next to her was Erwin. "Hanji slipped away and sprinted away here yelling something about fairies, titan-babies and shippings... There's something wrong with this woman." He said and was about to grab Hanjis arm, but Hanji was already on her way back. I realized Hanji had watched me and Levi make out. "HANJI GET BACK HERE SO I CAN STRANGLE YOU!" She looked back and I ran after her. She ran as fast as she could and when I got back she sat in the circle and looked so innocent. I rolled my eyes and sat back down on my spot next to Eren. "What took you so long?" Eren asked sounding worried. "A certain titan-lady was sneaking around in the bushes" I whispered back and looked at him. I leaned back on his shoulder and he wrapped his arm around me. "Did anything happen between you two?" Eren looked at me and I blushed. "Well, I guess it's my turn with you soon" he whispered into my ear. I giggled and looked at Hanji who was now smirking at us.

The game went on with the occasional 'make out with him/her, would you date him/her' stuff like that. Hanji finally got to ask again and this time, she showed no mercy. "Little titan, truth or dare?" she jumped up and down on her 'seat'. "Hey he's my little titan!" I joked and hugged Eren. "I chose truth last time so I choose dare!" Hanji smiled a wide smile and I got a little bit scared. "Take F/N out into the forest and stay there for..." she took her time to think. I started blushing and Levi shot Eren a glare that said something like 'Don't you dare'. "20 minutes!" she yelled. I once again stood up. "Can somebody help me hold down Hanji this time?" Erwin looked around the group. Reiner and Sasha walked over there. Reiner held Hanjis arms and Sasha sat down on her. I chuckled and walked out into the forest with Eren.

We walked for about five minutes and ended up at our spot. I sat down and looked at the view. After a while of looking I started wondering where Eren was. "Thank god Hanji doesn't know where we are..." I sighed and stood up. I felt a pair of arms wrap around my neck.  I jumped and looked back and saw Eren standing there. "I'm glad the others don't know how to get here" he said and kissed down my neck. I turned around and put my arms around his neck and kissed him. He placed his arms on my waist and moved me closer to him. The kiss only got deeper and before we knew it our tongues fought for dominance.  Eren won and explored my mouth by every inch. He placed his hands on my thighs and lifted me up. I wrapped my legs around his waist and he kissed down my neck again and sucked on the skin. I let out a moan and Eren chuckled. "So you are enjoying this?" "If the others notice this I'll kill you" I said and Eren chuckled again. He kissed down to my shoulder and I gripped his hair. Eren pushed us up against a tree and kissed me again. I grabbed his hair and deepened the kiss. Eren let go of me and let the tree support me while he removed his shirt. All of a sudden we could hear a faint yelling. I groaned. "Cock-blockers..." I mumbled and Eren laughed. Eren put his shirt back on and I fixed my hair. He took my hand and when we were close to the others I stopped and straightened out my clothes and brushed of the dirt.

Fighting over me (Levi x Reader x Eren)Where stories live. Discover now