Chapter 9 TBE

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When I woke up, I was wrapped in a pair of strong arms. Oh yea, I went to sleep with Levi today. I smiled to myself and moved closer to him. 'Will he be mad at me for waking him up?' I thought to myself and looked at him. He looked so peaceful, no emotionless scary face, just a calm sleepy face. "You shouldn't stare you know, it's rude." I was about to scream, but it was silenced by a kiss from Levi. "Morning love." He said. I blushed and gently punched him. "Don't do that to me... How long have you been awake anyway?" "I woke up when you moved closer..." he moved me even closer. I could feel his warm chest against my head and I relaxed my entire body. "You're hot." I stated quietly and he raised one eyebrow at me. I blushed again. "I-I mean..." "You think I'm hot?" "N-No, or y-you are very good looking. B-but I meant your chest is warm!" I said and blushed more and more. Levi chuckled and kissed my forehead. "I know I'm hot F/N... No need to state the obvious..." damn him and his sass.

I got out of the bed and put on my normal clothes. "I'll see you later cleaning fairy!" I said before closing the door after me. I sighed and started walking towards my room. Suddenly I was tackled by something, or rather someone. "So what did you two do?!" God. Fucking. Dammit Hanji. "Hanji get of me, we simply fell asleep on his bed, geez!" "So he didn't try anything?" I sighed. Hanji has probably never even heard of personal space. "No, he didn't, now get off me titan lady!" she laughed and stepped of me. She helped me up and patted me on the back. "So, your friend... the tall blonde one..." I looked at her. "Armin?" "No. Armins the short blonde who looks like that blonde girl..." "Bro?" "Who?" *sigh* "Reiner?" "Yea him! Anyway, he wanted me to invite you and Levi, since you weren't in your room, to come with us, us being me, Erwin, Levis squad and all of your friends, to some pub he's been to a couple of times... Are you two coming along?" I took a while to think about the offer. "I don't think I'm going... I don't drink. And I need to train a bit since I haven't been doing that since before I broke my leg... So sorry, should I go ask Levi for you?" She smiled at me and patted me on the head. I giggled at her childish actions and she nodded at me. I once again walked towards Levis office/room.

*knock, knock* "Name and Business?" I smiled at his comment. He's so formal. "F/N L/N, I have a question to you from squad leader Hanji." I said and waited for his response. "What does shitty glasses want now...? Come In F/N!" I entered the room and sat down in the chair in front of him. "Hanji wonders if you're coming with her, Erwin, your squad and my friends to some pub Bro's been to. What do you say?" he looked at me with a frown on his face. "Aren't you coming?" "Nope, I'm staying and training." He kept thinking about it and after a while he answered.

"I guess I'll go. Where's shitty glasses?" I smiled at him and stood up. "Either outside your office or I don't know." Levi nodded and stood up. We walked out of his office and Hanji was where she was before I went to Levi. "He's coming." I said and Hanji squealed. She dragged us to Reiners room and in there was everyone that was coming along. "You're coming?!" Sasha asked and I shook my head. "I have to train. I can't let Mikasa beat me the next time we're doing hand to hand combat. But don't be sad. I'll treat you to lunch Potato-Girl. Ok?" Sasha nodded and smiled brightly. "F/N, may I speak to you?" Erwin asked and I nodded. He stood up and walked out, I followed him.

"So, you know about Ren now?" I nodded slowly then looked down at my feet. Erwin took a deep breath and continued. "Look, all I have is a name, but I don't know who it is, or if she's even alive. But I know the name of your mother. So before you ask me to tell you, be sure you really know what could possibly happen." I looked back at him and started thinking. Do I really want this? What if she's dead, maybe she didn't want me, or maybe she hates me??? I took a deep breath. "I'll come to when I want to know, right now I have too much going on..." Erwin nodded. I took another deep breath and hugged Erwin. He seemed shocked at my sudden action. "Thanks for being here for me..." I said and let go of him. He simply smiled at me and started walking back to Reiner's room. I waved good bye and started walking towards my room. "F/N wait up!" Eren yelled and I turned around. "You sure you're not coming along?" I nodded. I stood on my toes and kissed his nose. "If I don't catch up on training Mikasa might be able to beat me again." I laughed. Eren hugged me and I hugged back. "Baby titan! Shipping master! Stop cuddling! We're leaving soon!" Oh Hanji... Eren gave me a quick peck on my lips before he ran over to the others.

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