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I am so sorry!!! I've been busy with writing a thing in school and I started writing on an AoT x RWBY fanfiction with mine and my brothers teams. I sorry, but i have a chapter started, but it's not as long as the others.

Again Sorry!!! But if it'll make you feel better and forgive me I'll tell you this: There will be some drunk people and a sover, yet perverted, Levi. I got the idea from two girls and kinda combined it with my own idea.

Eren: Hey it's fine!

Levi: Tch, nope, she said that the chapter would be up soon, look where we are now.

Me: You're mean!!! If you don't watch it I'll make an Ereri lemon one-shot!

Levi: *whispers to Eren* I don't mind...

Me: What was that?

Eren: Nothing!!!

Fighting over me (Levi x Reader x Eren)Where stories live. Discover now