Chapter 2

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-Flashback to shortly after Shigangshina fell-

"Ren are you going somewhere?" I said. He simply looked at me with his normal smile. "I have to go speak to Commander Erwin about something, I'll be gone for a little while. I'm leaving in two days." I ran up to him and hugged him tightly, shaking my head as I begged him not to leave. After all we had barely been in our new home a week, I was still shaken up from Shiganshina getting torn apart by that giant titan. "Please don't go..." He sighed, getting down on one knee and grabbing my shoulders. "I need you to be strong while I'm gone ok? It's only for a few days." he then went over to his desk, pulling out an evelope from it. "Look, if I don't make it back-" "Don't say that!" "y/n!" he grabbed my shoulders again. "If I don't make it back you have to keep this safe, do you understand? Under no circumstances will you give this to anyone, don't open it, don't leave it anywhere." he gave me the envelope, and pulled me into a tight hug. "It's only a few days, I'll be back in no time." he mumbled.

-Time skip, two days later-

I ran into our home, hoping I made it back before he left to talk to the commander. As I stepped through the doorway I could feel something was wrong. Had I missed him? I walk into our kitchen, seeing no one there, so I venture up towards our shared bedroom. "Ren? You home?" I open the door to the bedroom and step inside, placing both hands over my mouth as I scream out in terror at the sight before me. Ren was lying limp on the floor, half his head blown off while a rifle was in his hand. I fell to my knees, trying to keep down the vomit as I start to hyperventilate. "No... No no no no... NO!" 

-End of flashback-

"He has no idea what happened. He didn't kill himself, I know he didn't... Someone set him up." I feel a new wave of tears falling from my eyes, annoying me to no end. 'Why am I crying again? Why am I being so pathetic?' I slowly let go of the hug, trying to laugh everything off but failing to do so. "God I'm such a miserable child sometimes... I'm too weak..." Eren gently puts his hand under my chin, lifting my face up ever so slightly. "Don't say that. We both know you're strong." "No I'm not. Look at me Eren, I'm a sobbing mess after Captain Shorty makes one comment about my brother." "I am looking at you. I see a girl who's been through hell and back. Someone who had to see her brother dead, lived on the streets, rose to the top of the cadets, survive Trost like it was nothing and then almost sacrifice her leg in order to save Levi's squad from Annie. To come through all of that, alive and fighting. You can't be anything but strong. And for those moments you're not... I'll be there to hold you up." I feel my heart beat faster and faster, my cheeks heating up at Eren's words. "Why...?" I ask him quietly, not getting how he could see all that in me. "Because... Because I think I love you..." "Wha-" Without waiting for me to respond he leans in and kisses me softly, butterflies forming in my stomach and causing me to feel all giddy inside.

The two of us continue to kiss and cuddle for practically the whole day, only leaving the room to go eat, however we quickly retreat back to his room to continue our cuddling. Our sweet moment is cut off however, by a certain short Captain. "Tch, you throw a fit and go running back to him?" Eren quickly lets go of my face, backing off as both of us start to blush for a moment. Although my blush quickly turns into annoyance since I'm still not quite calmed down from our encounter. "Sorry sir but why does where I go matter to you?" I ask him, resisting the urge to lunge at him and wrap my hands around his perfect little neck. He raises an eyebrow, giving me a look that said 'Don't test me I'm still your captain.' "Just curious. Last thing I need is for the brat to get love struck and distracted." "Well he won't and since you don't exactly have a track record of knowing things in my life you can leave it alone now." Shit, I should not have said that... Definitely shouldn't have said that. "Tch... y/n, brat, my office right now." He grabs me by the wrist and pulls me out of the room, I let myself get dragged along knowing I had already pushed it pretty far, somehow resisting the urge to let my sarcastic side out again and let out a 'Kinky' but Levi would probably kill me for real. Eren stands up, gritting his teeth but I simply shake my head, begging him not to let him emotions get the better of him, he has a lot more to lose than I do. 

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