Chapter 4

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"Are you two done yet?" Erwin asks in an almost amused tone, while Hanji and I just look at each other and burst into laughter. "The commander asked you a question idiots." Levi's tone was rather dry, but somehow he manages to sound sarcastic as well, that sassy midget. "Why are you so boring?" I look at Levi and giggle a little, trying my best to keep a straight face while Hanji just continues laughing. However Hanji decides to be the crazy lady she usually is and opens her big mouth. "Erwin may be the commander, but y/n is the shipping master!" she playfully punches my shoulder while I try to glare a hole into her head, knowing this would not go over well with the two men. Meanwhile Eren starts laughing at Hanji's crazy antics, causing said crazy lady to practically jump him while laughing. This, of course, does not go unnoticed by Levi and Erwin, both of whom seem to be completely done with Hanji while I just stand there with my hand over my face, knowing Levi is about to bring his wrath down upon us. "Well, four-eyes, the shipping master and the brat over here will be on cleaning duty while you can entertain yourself with doing the dishes from today's lunch." Without waiting for  any type of response Levi drags Eren and I  away while Hanji does her best to plead her innocence to Erwin.

"Eren you start in the hall, y/n you're doing my office." Levi says as he pulls us towards the entrance of the building,  making both of us groan in annoyance, earning a dangerously serious face from Levi that instantly causes us to shut up and run towards the closet with all the cleaning supplies. The last thing we need is for Levi to get angry at our cleaning as well. 

Getting the cleaning supplies was easy enough, it's the cleaning part that's tough when it comes to that insufferable midget. 'Clean this, scrub down that, get underneath there and scrub too, now mop the floors. Oh there's some dust in the corner? Prepare to die.' You cannot win with this guy. But alas, the cleaning has to be done. So I start dusting off all the shelves and other high surfaces, wiping them down afterwards. This way all the dust from the high places fall down to the floor without having to mop the floor all over again. Once the high places are down I grab a broom and start sweeping the floor. 

"Levi, get in here you midget. I'm done in your office." I call out to him, the sound of the door opening almost instantly opening. "Tch, I'll be the judge of that." Gee, grumpy much? "What? You don't trust me?" I pout a little at him, crossing my arms over my chest. "I trust you, just not your cleaning skills." He says, leaning forward and kissing my forehead. "Levi, no kissing, you know the rules." I say with a stubborn tone in my voice, I need to stand my ground on this one. "If you say so..." he rolls his eyes a little, clearly not happy but obliging anyways. Thank god, no arguing. He then walks around the office and checks everything from his book shelf to his desk. "Tch, it's still filthy in here." he says, rubbing his hand underneath the desk, making me want to throw myself on the floor and die right then and there. "Dear god Levi, it's clean, stop complaining." "I'll stop complain if you learn how to clean right." "I know how to clean, just not to your crazy standards." He raises an eyebrow and looks at me. "Isn't that the point though?" "Got me..." I mumble, not coming up with a comeback for that. Why is he so obsessed with cleaning anyway? 

By the time Levi was done "teaching" me how to clean I was exhausted and ready for supper, as I met Eren in the hallway he seemed to be the exact same. "I guess Captain Shorty made you clean all over too?" "Yup." we both look at each other for a moment before we burst into laughter, Eren flinging his arm over my shoulders before stiffening up a little. "Is this fine? I don't want you to think I'm making moves or something..." I think about it for a moment, shaking my head and shrugging. Truth be told we'd always been like this, all of us in our little group, this was just normal. My mind wanders to all the times we've found Sasha passed out on top of Connie or Jean and all the times Reiner carried me to bed after training. We're all close, practically family at this point. "It's fine, you shouldn't have to walk around on eggshells, just act like we usually do with the others." He looks down at me and grins, visibly relaxing in an almost comical way. I can't help myself and burst out laughing, the sudden change of his mood causing him to look like a little child. "You're adorable you little Titan." I tease, poking his side a little and instantly getting poked back in retaliation. I manage to wriggle free of his arm, laughing while I run towards the dining hall, Eren voice echoing in the halls behind me. "I'll get you back for that!" 

Authors note after edit: Oh lord have I had a week! I slipped and busted my head open so I have been bed ridden for a while with no laptop (Love life, don't you?). But now I'm semi back on track and editing the chapters!

Fighting over me (Levi x Reader x Eren)Where stories live. Discover now