Chapter 11 TBE

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"Eren, open up..." I knock on his door and sigh. I had spoken with Eren about our "situation" three days ago and we both agreed that we should focus on something else for now. So to help us, Hanji decided to let us help her with two of her titans. "Eren..." I knock a little harder and wait. There's still no answer. I open the door and see him sleeping on his bed. I smile softly and walk up to him, closing the door behind me. I lightly shake him and try to wake him up. "Eren... Wake up..." he simply groans and turns around. I sigh again and shake him a little bit harder. "Eren. Wake up." Once again he groans and ignores me. "Fine... If that's how you want it..." I take drastic measures and sit down on him. "What?" "Hanji wanted us to come see her new titans." Eren groans again and I jump of him.

He slowly sits up and sighs. "Let me just get dressed..." I nod and walk out of his room. As I lean onto the wall next to his door I let out a deep sigh.


"F/n, Eren. I realize that you both are a bit shaken up. But, to keep you mind of that I wanted to ask if you wanted to help me with my titans? F/n, you could name them... It's not exactly nice to see soldiers throw up when I tell my story." Hanji gives us a slight smile and I laugh a little bit. "We'd love to titan-lady. Thanks." I smile and hug Hanji. She immediately hugs back with all her might and crushes my ribcage. "Hanji, I need to breathe." "Sorry shipping master... Anyway, I'll see you two tomorrow morning, in the stables, ok?" "Sure. Come on f/n, Sasha wanted to see the entire group." I nod and wave goodbye to Hanji.

-Flashback end-

Eren opens his door and walks out. He smiles slightly at me and grabs my hand as we start walking towards the stables. "So, what will you name them?" "I'm not sure... Something cute though..." I giggle and Eren smiles. "Then we might as well call them f/n." I blush and look away. "Nope, I'm gonna name them cleaning fairy and Jeagerbombtastic." Eren laughs as we arrive. "What's so funny?" I look at Hanji and smile. "I decided their names." "Really what?!" Hanji jumps into my arms and hugs me. "Well I wanted something cute, so cleaning fairy and Jeagerbombtastic." Hanji squeals and hugs me tighter. "Right, let's ride to them then." I nod and we let go of the hug.

After we had arrived and taken care of our horses we followed Hanji to the titans. As I look at them I immediately know which one is which. The one to the left had black raven hair and the other had a dirty brown color. "Left one is cleaning fairy and the right one is Jeagerbombtastic." "Alright then... Nobody tells Captain Levi about this or I'll feed you to Jeagerbombtastic." Hanji looks around at all the guards and they all nod with a little bit of fear in their eyes. I laugh and Eren grabs my hand again.

"Aren't they cute f/n?" Hanji squeals and pulls me away from Eren. "They kinda are..." I have to admit. Jeagerbombtastic has a cute little blush on his cheeks and cleaning fairy have these huger round eyes that makes him look like a chibi. It's adorable! "Let's hope that these two survive. Annie's not here to kill them so that's always a plus." Hanji nods at my statement and hugs me. "It's like we're becoming parents' f/n! Abandon Levi and Eren, we have two kids to raise!" she jokes and I laugh. Suddenly, cleaning fairy tries to bite us and we have to jump back. We laugh at him and smile. "Naw, he recognizes his mommy's." Hanji lets go of the hug and turns to Eren. "Sorry Eren, f/n chose me." She jokes and Eren walks up to us. "Oh well... I suppose I'll just have to give up." He says dramatically and hugs me from behind.

-Slight time skip since I run out of ideas-

We're sitting in the dining hall and talking to our little group as usual. But something felt... Off... Like something had happened while Eren and I were gone with Hanji. I haven't seen Levi since we got back and when we asked about it everyone just changed the subject and it's driving me crazy. I sigh and drink the last tea out of my cup. "I can't take this anymore. Does anyone mind telling me where the hell Levi is before I strangle someone." I say with a deadly serious look on my face. "Hey Eren, what did you name the titans?" Sasha asked trying to change the subject. Eren and I look at each other and sigh. "Just tell us already, f/n is getting worried." "Fine... Levi is cleaning your room..." I look at Jean who told me it. I quickly stand up and rush to my room. It's an organized mess in there. If he cleans it I won't know where the right mess is!

I flung my door open to see my room completely organized and a certain Levi sleeping on my bed. Ok fine, my room was a complete and utter mess. But I liked that mess... I walk up to Levi and lightly shake him. "Levi, you bastard... Why'd you clean my room?" "I cleaned your room because it was filthy in here." He turns around and pulls me down on the bed. I yelp as he holds me close to him and sighs. "It took me a full five hours to get this room clean." "I like the mess." "Well I don't. So keep it clean." "Can I have a clean mess?" "How does that even work?" "I don't know."


Yay! Update! Again, I'm sorry or not updating in a while but I started getting random nosebleeds and it wasn't nice... That and I had some tests in school that had to be finished but I managed to get a chapter out.

Also... I love you guys so much!!! Thank you for 8k readers!!! You guys are the best ever!!

Levi: Tch, brat calm down.

Eren: She has a reason to be happy Levi. Don't be an asshole.

Me: He's always an asshole...

Levi: What was that?

Me: *cough* nothing *cough*

Anyway, a serious thank you for all my supporters. I know I talked about doing a Rwby x AoT fanfic, but I decided not to do that. So instead, for some stupid reason, I started writing on a Rwby x Naruto fanfic, specifically Gaara x Oc: Riley.

Basically Riley is how I would like to be in the Rwby universe. I made three entire teams, one of them is based on three of my friends. So yea... Would any of you read that? And would you read another AoT fanfic but some other shipping? 'Cause I really wanna write something else other than this. Not that I don't enjoy it, but if I run out of inspiration I wanna be able to write on somethign in the meantime.

Again, thank you for 8k reads, love you guys so much!! I'll see you in the next chapter!

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