Chapter 12 TBE

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When I woke up Levi wasn't there anymore, so I simply assume that he had other duties to attend to. I slowly sat up and sighed as I lazily rubbed my eyes. "Stupid morning... Stupid rain... Stupid everything... I'm running out of stupid things to mutter in the morning..." I stood up and quickly noticed that I'm in my pajamas, my hair was let down and there was new bandages on my desk. I smiled slightly to myself and silently thanked Levi. He's a gentlemen when he wants to be. Bastard... Anyway... I put on a new pair of underwear, a pair of f/c sweatpants, a pair of socks and a f/c sports bra before starting to wrap up my arm. Once I was done I opened one of my drawers and grabbed an oversized t-shirt, which hanged slightly off my shoulder, and put it on. Just as I was done there was a knock on my door. "Come in!" I say as I start putting my hair up in its usual high ponytail. "Hey, f/n, due to the rainstorm trainings cancelled. We got the gang together in the dining hall so we can play charades." Jean said from the doorframe. "Alrighty!" I smiled and followed Jean out.

Once we were in the dining hall I grinned and sat next to Sasha. "So... Charades was it?" I asked and everyone nodded. By everyone I mean the usual gang, Ymir, Christa, Connie, Eren, Levi, Mikasa, Marco, Reiner, Bertolt, Armin and I plus Levi's squad, Hanji and Erwin. "Alright! Prepare for aggressive sign langue!" I said and stood up, making a peace-sign. "Aggressive sign langue? The heck is that?" Oluo asked, biting his tongue in the process. Clumsy... "Don't question my logic in the morning!" I hiss and glare. Let's face it. Mornings suck and I may or may not have a tiny, huuuuuge, temper. "Alright, alright... Calm down woman..." "Hmpf."

"As the all-time champion of charades, f/n will be the judge and decide the following things: What you did, who you did it with and where you did it." Reiner started explaining, I nodded in agreement. The game started out as soon as we spun that stupid bottle to see who was going first. The bottle stopped on Petra and said girl stood up. I smirked a little and whispered the first category into her ear, making her blush. Everyone laughed as Petra made wild gestures with her arms, apart from Levi who looked like a brick wall apart from a slight twitch in the corner of his lips. Oh yeah, this'll be fun...

In the end, I gave Erwin the complete phrase "I checked out a titan's ass with Connie in the ladies room". Boy did we laugh at that one. Hanji was rolling around on the ground while clutching her stomach and laughing violently. Yet somehow we ended up simply talking about how everyone met and stuff like that.

"How did you guys get so...? Well... Fun...?" Petra asked as she looked at us. We thought about it for a while before I shrugged and answered. "I've known Eren, Mikasa and Armin since I was a kid but we met everyone else when we joined the military. In the beginning Jean couldn't even stand being within a five feet radius of Eren." I laughed as Marco took over. "We got this close after f/n and Connie decided that it was a good idea to help sneak food out to Sasha and drag everyone else with her *Cue subtle glare at f/n!* and getting everyone into trouble." "I didn't drag everyone..." "Yes you did." Was the response from everyone, making Petra sweat drop. "Don't you guys spend any time together outside of missions and training?" Christa asked the special operations squad, plus Levi and Hanji. "Not really..." was the mutter we got, making us frown. "Honestly? But your teamwork is-" "Achieved from constant training." Gunther interrupted Eren's sentence. "I guess we'll just have to change that then... Levi, Petra, Gunther, Eld, Oluo, Erwin, Hanji... You're all doing the dishes!" Before they could protest we were already out of the dining hall.

"No, I'm telling you, getting a dog would be much better. What if we could train it to track titans for Hanji or something?" Connie said while Reiner nodded his head in agreement. "Are you kidding me Baldie?! If we're getting a pet we should get a hamster." I said while Christa agreed with me. "Why?" "Because they're adorable." "Why would we need a pet when we have a fine horse right here?" Reiner said and patted Jean on the back as everyone laughed. "True. I don't think freckles would mind riding him..." I said and wiggled my eyebrows suggestively at Marco whose face got a mad blush. "W-What?" "Nothing..." I said while wiping away some blood coming out of my nose. I've been around Hanji too much... Her pervert tendencies are rubbing off on me... "That's gross, adorable and entirely possible at the same time. Congratulations shadow." Eren said and wrapped an arm around my waist. "What? I'm a girl." "Girls are stupid then." Jean said, making him receive glares from all the girls, even Christa! "Good job horse face! You were just hypocritical, sexist and stupid in less than five words." Ymir said and hit him on the back of his head.

The day went by quickly, Levi was busy with paperwork, I was in my room and sketched different things in my notebook, Mikasa and Eren were talking in his room, Armin was reading a book, Jean and Marco were... Well... Yeah... Ymir and Christa were in the dining hall and chatting away, Hanji and Erwin seemed to simply enjoy each other's company, Connie was sleeping, Reiner and Bertolt were discussing something in the latter's room, Petra and Eld were walking around the HQ, Oluo was nursing his tongue after he bit himself again and Gunther was reading like Armin. Things were peaceful and quiet for once.

Once again it was night, still raining like a bitch, and I lied in bed trying to fall asleep. Eren was sleeping next to me, since he's for some reason was scared of thunder. What a little child he is sometimes... Levi was on my other side after complaining about too much paperwork and collapsing next to me. I'm not even sure if he knows that Eren's here too... I sighed sleepily and yawned. I closed my eyes and snuggled in between the two boys. "Night night..." I mumbled to the already asleep boys before falling asleep myself. Today was a good day after all...

AN: Please don't kill me!!!!! *Dodges various thrown objects* Oi! Calm down! Don't make me kill Levi! Wait... I wouldn't do that... Hehe... *Dodges a few gun shots* I am really sorry for the lack of updates, but now the chapter is finally done. Hope you enjoyed it!

As for the next chapter... Here's another vote:

1. You find out more about Ren's past and stuff like that.
2. Levi takes you out on a date.
3. Eren takes you out on a date.
4. Another filler chapter so I can update quickly.

5. It's your birthday!

Let me know in the comments or via PM. See 'ya fools!


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