And the winner is...

849 24 5

The winner of the vote is: Levi!!!

Levi: *Muffled sounds*

Me: *Takes way the gag* Sorry, didn't realize i still had you tied up...

Levi: Tch, stupid brat... I told you they would choose me. Now could you please untie me?

Eren: Aaaw... I really wanted to win.

Me: *Unties Levi* Levi got 13 votes and Eren got 7. Wow Eren, you got completely owned. But you can have the next time ;)

Eren: But I'm actually in a realtionship with- *Gets tied up and gagged by me*

Me: Don't spoil all the fun, plus we don't need a nosebleed river from the Ereri-shippers... Oops...

Levi: Love you too brat.

Me and you: *Gets nosebleed*

Eren: *Muffled screams*

Levi: You're not gonna write an ereri-fic ae you?

Me: I'm busy with this one and I'm thinking about doing an Rwby one on with my own oc's that I made.

Back to reality. I want  to make another fanfiction, but I don't know wich one, so if you could let me know what you want. It doesn't have to be AoT, it could be creepypastas, games, movies, other animes, whatever you want. I would just be glad to hear what you guys would want. Thanks for 4k reads! I love you guys, you're the best!

Fighting over me (Levi x Reader x Eren)Where stories live. Discover now