Chapter 3

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The first week of being carried around flew by like it was nothing, mostly because I could make fun of whoever was carrying me around with no repercussions. However Levi had been too busy with his squad to be my designated "helper" for the entire week, so I missed him quite a lot, until now. It's finally his turn to be my servant- I mean my helper. Well I've also made the decision to talk to him about the whole situation today. But how do I make him back off a little bit? 'Maybe he'll be like Eren and understand right away? Who am I kidding? He's Levi...' "Brat are you paying attention?" "Yeah sure." "Are you just gonna agree with everything I say?" "Sounds great." Levi's a lot more confident compared to Eren, if I don't tell him to back off properly he won't take me seriously. "Can I kiss you?" "Uh huh." Suddenly Levi grabs my chin and pulls me in for a kiss, catching me off guard. He quickly backs up a little, releasing the kiss and giving me enough time to headbutt him square in the forehead. 'My point!' "Tch, you said I could do it." he puts a hand to his forehead, rubbing the probably sore spot. When had I said that? "When?" "Just now, since you obviously wasn't listening." He gives me a small smirk as I stick my tongue out at him. I probably should've listened when he was talking... "Look, I'll tell you what I told Eren last night. You need to back off a little. Don't just go around and shove your tongue down my throat every time we're alone." I say, hoping he'll understand right away. "You choose that brat?" It seems he didn't, typical. "Are you even listening? I... I haven't chosen anyone yet. I need time to think about this. About us." He stays silent for a short while, eyes closed while frowning a little, probably thinking about it too. Levi looks back up at me and gives me a gentle smile, putting his hand behind my head. "Then I'll wait for you." he leans forward and plants a kiss on my forehead before leaning back again.

"Anyway... I'm hungry and everybody else is having lunch. So pick me up and start walking Captain cleaning fairy." Not even Levi is safe from my sarcasm. He rolls his eyes, picks me up bridal style and starts walking towards the dining hall. One the way there I can smell the food, almost causing me to drool at the thought of that sweet sweet food. I don't think I've eaten since yesterday so I'd say I'm pretty hungry at this point. 

When we arrive everyone starts staring at us except Hanji, that devil woman, who just smirks. I swear if she opens her mouth I'll- "Levi, y/n! Over here lovebirds!" That's it she's dead. "Oh shut up Hanji! We all know why you always sit at Levi's table!" I grin and point towards Erwin, oh how sweet revenge can be. Hanji's cheeks instantly turns pink and she tries her best to laugh off my comment, making dumb excuses to Commander eyebrows himself while he just sits there with one brow raised. "Levi, put me down next to Eren will ya?" I poke him shoulder a little before pointing over to the table where all my friends are. "Why next to the brat?" His voice tells me that he's obviously annoyed at that, but I ignore him for the time being. Once he's sat me down next to Eren I ruffled said boys hair and grin. "Because that brat, is my little titan." Eren blushes a little, punching my arm lightly and muttering something about how I need to stop calling him that. Levi only shakes his head as if we're toddlers and walks away to his table. 

As we're eating, Reiner was nice enough to get me a plate, Sasha keeps giving me weird stares, leaning over to whisper in Connie's ear before going back to stare at me again. I narrow my eyes at her, trying to figure out what they were saying, but since it's Sasha I have no idea. I'm pretty sure no one knows what's going on in her head most of the time. This continued on for the entire meal, the rest of us making small talk about things like training, until finally I had enough. I look Sasha dead in the eyes, fear clearly evident as she realizes I'm about to confront her. "Alright Potato girl why are you staring?" She's stunned for the first few seconds, pulling on Connie in an effort to have him save her, but he only shakes his head and pushes her off. "Well?" "I... Uh..." "For gods sake Sasha just spit it out!" "Are you-!" she stops herself from yelling out in panic and leans in closer, whispering this time. "Are you and the Captain a thing?" I instantly blush, almost falling off the bench as she looks at me, dead serious. "What? No we're not...!" I snap back at her, trying to keep my voice down. "Why else would he carry you around? You're not in his squad so it doesn't make any sense. Plus we've all been betting on when you and Eren get together anyways." I look around the rest of the group, all of whom had leaned forward with curious looks on their faces, clearly wanting to know the scoop. "I... It's none of your business." They lean back, disappointment evident on their faces making me feel guilty, we've known each other long enough for them to know how to pull on my heart strings. "Might as well tell you, you'll find out eventually..." Instantly they lean back in, two faced bastards... "I like the Captain..." Sasha raises her fist into the air and exclaims "I knew it!" everyone at the table gives her a collective "Sh!" as Connie pulls her back down. "I'm not finished. I like him and I like Eren. It's a whole situation and it's stressing me out, it's certainly stressing them out, and I really don't feel like getting into it and-" "Alright, alright. We get it, triangle drama." Reiner chuckles at us for a moment before he continues. "But you're telling us the whole story next time we have a picnic." I laugh along with everyone else, nodding at them while flinging my arm over Eren's shoulders, putting my other hand over my heart. "I solemnly swear to tell everyone the scoop next picnic." We laugh for a while, before I think back to what Sasha had said. 'Wait a minute...' "Hold up. Did you say you betted on us?" Everyone except me and Eren laugh nervously, starting to excuse themselves from the table, using the classic excuses like "Gotta go pee" and "Oh would you look at the time!" to one by one leave the dining hall. I shake my head at the utter idiocy of my friends, but then again that's why I love them. 

Fighting over me (Levi x Reader x Eren)Where stories live. Discover now